
Monday, December 28, 2015

What Holiday Blues?!

Happy Monday! As silly as it sounds, I wish I could know how each and every one of you is feeling on this post-holiday Monday. Are you sad the holiday is over? Relieved? Anxious to get to the end of the week for a different holiday? Feeling completely stuffed from so many Christmas cookies? Happy with how everything went? Taking a poll now.

Usually I don't like the week in between Christmas and New Year's...In the past I have spent it bumming around and wishing that my favorite holiday wasn't almost a year away now. Last year I even wrote a post on shaking those "post-holiday blues" and even reading it back now, I am not really feeling it.  Even though we are only a few days post-Christmas, I think I can say that I have managed to evade those feelings...probably because December was such a frazzled month for me that I didn't have time to have all the build up to the holidays like I have in the past. Its kind of a catch-22 because if I am super excited/ready for Christmas, then I get really bummed out when its over, but if I haven't built up Christmas, then I am okay when its over. So I guess its either a win-lose or lose-win situation. Please tell me someone else feels like this or understand at all.

I don't mean to put you to sleep with my ramblings, so I guess I will do a quick recap of my holiday weekend! 

Thursday //
Christmas Eve was a typical one, with cleaning the house and finishing up the baking of the cookies in the morning, and John's family's Christmas Eve party in the evening. This was mine and John's 6th Christmas together, and the 5th year that I had been to his family's Eve party. Even though I have been going for the past few years, this year was the first that it really felt like it was my tradition too. Sounds weird, but I think I am just slow to adapt to holiday tradition changes! My favorite part of the day though, had to be when I got home from the party and sat with my parents and uncle around the tree, laughing and reminiscing. 

Friday //

Christmas Day was a good one...We hosted our extended family and had the best meal I think we had ever managed to make on Christmas. The day went by so fast and all I kept thinking about was how I would probably have to work next Christmas because I'll be a new nurse (and new nurses usually get the not so fun shifts!) I think my family and John were happy with their gifts...I was beyond thrilled with mine!

Saturday //

Like last year, John and I went to the House of Blues in Boston to see one of my favorite bands, the Mighty Mighty Bosstones. We drove down a little early and had a great dinner before the show, which was so fun. I liked that we had been before so we knew where we were going and what to expect at the show..aka lots of crazy dancing and to watch out for some people that dance a little too aggressively (pushing and shoving)! The concert was also the perfect occasion to wear my new cross body bag...I feel so stylish with it! 

Sunday //

Just worked a shift at work. Not as a nurse yet...but as a tech (like a CNA or PCA or whatever you know nursing assistants as!) Can't wait to pass my boards so that I can start working as a nurse!

I hope you all had amazing weekend and easy weeks planned ahead. This week, I have nothing extra special planned except to unpack everything and do a massive clean out of my room. Good times! 

Linking up here today!

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  1. I don't really get holiday blues, but I get all sentimental when I think another year has already come and gone. It is sometimes crazy to think about how fast time goes by. I'm also bummed because it's my first day back to work :( Glad you had a great Christmas with your family. Happy Monday!

  2. I totally get what you mean--I usually get depressed around this time of year. Glad to hear you had a great holiday--those cookies look so good!

  3. i feel like i'm in a weird limbo. like life can't get back to normal until after NYE. plus, KC is off work and I'm not, which is no fun lol
