
Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Have a Merry Little Christmas!

Happy Christmas Eve Eve friends! Time is just flying by and I can't keep up with it all. Christmas spirit in my house was a little delayed this year...we just put the Christmas tree up yesterday! Its amazing how much the smell of the tree has raised my spirits in just a day. With all the hubbub of graduating, the holiday season had really been put on the back burner for me, but now its front and center. I have all my gifts wrapped and ready to go under the tree and Christmas movies have been watched! Now I just need some egg nog and cookies.

Since I usually post MWF and Christmas is on Friday, I just wanted to take today to wish you all a merry merry Christmas because I won't be posting on the day of. This is such a special time of year, and I am so glad that I have the outlet of this blog to share it with you. It sounds slightly cheesy, but know that every comment that I get with your sweet words are a gift to me every day!

So thank you all for being you and for supporting me. I hope you have a merry Christmas...and if Christmas isn't your thing, I hope you have a great week! I will be returning back on Monday!


  1. Cheers to the season, even if the tree just went up. I wish you a very Merry Christmas sweet girl!

  2. Merry Christmas girl, I hope you have a wonderful day celebrating! My decorations went up late this year too because I was just too busy!

  3. Such a lovely post - hope you had a wonderful Christmas!! :)

    Layla xx
