
Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Thanksgiving Break To-Do List

This post is an exciting one, because I am writing it from the comfort of my own bed at HOME! I made it! I had a hectic past few days...Like I mentioned in my post Monday, I hustled over the weekend to get my online class work done for the week so that I wouldn't have to worry about it while I was home for Thanksgiving break. Then Monday, I had a clinical shift at the hospital for the day, and had a quick turn around to get up yesterday at 2:30 am to start my journey home. I had a super early flight at an airport about an hour from school so I made my way there and fortunately had good luck with both of my flights. On one flight, I watched Me, Earl and the Dying Girl...have any of you seen it?! It reminded me of an indie-ish version of The Fault in Our Stars, but part of me liked it better than TFIOS. But anyway, I made it back to Maine safe and sound and happy to be with my animals again, and my family too!

During this break, there is a lot I was hoping to get done, both fun and not so fun. I started a list on my notes app on my phone, but then decided to publish it on because I always find myself to be a little more accountable for my to-do lists when I put it out into the universe on here. Here's what I was thinking for this break!

1. Figure out what I am getting everyone on my Christmas list. I am so excited that there have been so many posts on gift guides already because I need some inspiration! 

2. Read at least one book for leisure on this break. I am hoping my mom has some good recommendations from her book club! If not, I have a huge to-read list of my own. 

3. Study the equivalent of at least 20 minutes everyday. I am home for 12 days, so thats 240 minutes at minimum, and I will probably break this up into larger hour-long sessions so that I have a few free days. I plan on taking my licensure exam in January so I need to start upping my studying! 

4. Help my mom with making a gallery wall. We started it over the summer and bought all of the frames, but never got around to picking the right photos for them. 

5. Play this trick on my cats. 

6. Go for a couple good, long walks with my dog. We have a great walking/running/biking trail near me that is beautiful to walk along and I would love to spend some quality time with Reilly out there!

7. Find a dress for graduation. I have already tried on a few, but haven't seemed to find the right one!

8. Clean up and organize my room. I know this sounds silly, but I have accumulated a lot of unnecessary junk in my room over the past few years from only being home for summer and holiday breaks. I want to get it all cleaned out and organized so that its easy to move back into in December!

How organizing/cleaning has gone in the past for me with my cats around...via

9. Try at least one new restaurant or bar. There are so many restaurants/bars in Portland and I feel like I have only really touched the surface of them!

10. Try to work on a content calendar for December. Do you guys do content calendars/find them helpful if you do? I have a notes section on my phone for writing down thoughts about new posts, but never plan out ahead of time when I am going to do them. I was thinking that with the last month of school coming up with graduation and the holidays, it might make things easier for myself if I really work hard to plan out my posts!

If you have a break or a few days off for Thanksgiving, is there anything special you plan on getting done? Besides demolishing the Thanksgiving leftovers...


  1. So glad your trip was easy peasy and woohoo for writing a post from your own ed. We were JUST talking about the cucumber cat video last night at family dinner, tooooo hilarious! Hope you get to accomplish everything on your list and enjoy your down time as well.

  2. The gallery wall sounds like fun! I always love putting stuff like that together. Check out my DIY on that to make it WAY easier!!!
    Any good books on your list to read?

  3. That video is hilarious! May have to give it a go on my cat, lol. Thanks for sharing! :)

  4. i need to start reading more and plan my christmas gifts as well, hope you have a nice thanksgiving :)

    danielle | avec danielle

  5. Amazing post dear! You have a wonderful blog:)
    What about following each other on Instagram, Bloglovin, Twitter?.. :)

  6. That's so nice you're already on break! Hope you get time to relax and get things checked off your list!

  7. I've never seen Me, Earl, and the Dying Girl before, but I might give it a watch. I hope you enjoy your break and manage to get everything that you want done!

    The Velvet Black | UK Style & Beauty Blog

  8. Yay for Thanksgiving break! I use a loose editorial calendar each month and it helps SO MUCH. I don't always follow it, but it's great to have a list of ~20 topics I'm interested in writing about!

  9. I love gallery walls... that sounds like a fun project - you'll have to share updates!
    The only thing I plan on doing is napping. :)

  10. Yay for break!! I hope you get to accomplish everything on your to do list!

  11. I go to a school where we have a 6 week break between Thanksgiving and New Years, and I always have such great ideas to get things done! But usually, I just end up relaxing. I hope you have a productive and fun break!

  12. I hope you get all this done and some time to relax!! xo, Biana
