
Monday, November 16, 2015

25 Get to Know Me Questions

Happy Monday! I hope you all had a great weekend. I spent mine getting work done for my online classes so that I wouldn't have to worry about them while I am home later this week. Because of that, I don't have much to report on anything else I did this weekend, expect for eating a good portion of the pan of brownies that my roommate generously made. Instead of a weekend wrap-up, I thought I would do a "get to know me" question tag because I love reading them and finding more about the bloggers I read, and I thought you might all feel the same. Feel free to take the questions from this post and answer them about yourself on your blog!

1. What is your middle name? 
My middle name is Elizabeth...pretty basic but I like it because all the women on my mom's side of the family have Elizabeth as their middle name too.

2. What was your favorite subject in high school?
My favorite class was anatomy and physiology, but over my four years of high school, I always enjoyed math. Even calculus, haha!

3. What is your favorite drink?
Coffee. I usually go to bed excited to wake up in the morning because I look forward to having my morning coffee so much. Anyone else?!

4. What is your favorite song at the moment?
Ugh, I usually don't like questions about music because I feel like my favorite song changes every day. But today I am really feeling Sunday Morning by No Doubt (love them!) My all time favorite song is I Don't Feel Like Dancing by the Scissor Sisters...listen to it and try to not dance, its impossible!

5. What is your favorite food?
Adult Meghan says tacos or burritos. Or just Mexican food in general. Child Meghan will tell you vanilla frosting, but Adult Meghan knows thats an unrealistic favorite food.

6. What is the last thing you bought?
A Blue Moon while I was out last night with some friends.

7. Favorite book of all time?
Harry Potter series because I feel as though it taught me so many important life lessons and they are all just so good!

8. Favorite Color?
Purple! Which is funny because I don't have a lot of purple clothing, but I have a ton of purple accessories.

9. Do you have any pets?
Two cats, Rocco and Watson, and a dog, Reilly!

10. Favorite perfume?
I don't usually wear perfume, so can I just say my old reliable deodorant?

11. Favorite holiday?
CHRISTMAS. I love the spirit of Christmas and the feeling of nostalgia that accompanies the holiday. I get so excited to give gifts and there are few things that I like better than cuddling up on the couch with Christmas cookies watching a Christmas movie!

12. Are you married?
No! Not for a while for me.

13. Have you ever been out of the country?
Yes, I went to Quebec City in Quebec in 8th grade on a French class field trip for a weekend! It was a blast, and I don't think I spoke any French during the weekend...

14. Do you speak any other languages?
Does sarcasm count? If not, I can say a few words in Spanish, but not sure if that counts either...

15. How many siblings do you have?
Two! Jack and Sam.

16. What is your favorite shop?
I love Express, J. Crew and Banana Republic for clothing, and then I think Target probably goes without saying.

17. Favorite restaurant?
There is a restaurant chain in New England called Margaritas and (you guessed it) they are known for their yummy Mexican food and margs. I have had so many of my birthday dinners there and I always try to find more reasons to go!

18. When was the last time you cried?
Last night, I cried from laughter while I was out with some friends!

19. Favorite blog?
 This is a mean question, I have too many favorites to list!

20. Favorite movie?
Once again, I have too many that I would want to list out..but when I get asked this question, The Wedding Singer always pops into my head because that was always my answer when I was in middle school. Maybe thats my subconscious saying that its really my favorite?!

21. Favorite TV show?
I think I would have to say Gilmore Girls would have to be my all time favorite. I love the witty banter and the New England small town setting!

22. PC or Mac?

23. What phone do you have?
iPhone 6!

24. How tall are you?
5' 6", but my family would tell you that I am rounding up from 5' 5"...

25. Can you cook?
Yes I really like cooking most of the time. Its fun to play around with different spices and flavors. My favorite thing to make are tacos... I know they are technically easy to make, but I don't use a packet of seasoning so its fun to just throw spices in!

I hope you enjoyed this sort of post today! Have a great week!


  1. Love this! I speak sarcasm too! You had me laughing about Adult Meghan and Child Meghan and the vanilla frosting. Mexican is a solid choice tho :)

  2. What a fun list, I LOVE getting to know you better!

  3. Your answers are hilarious! Loved learning more about you and girl I'm fluent in sarcasm! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  4. I'm going to have to steal this I think! I have a golden too! & yes, I truly believe sarcasm counts!

  5. I loved learning more about you through this post! I answered these questions too, because I thought they were good ones! Thanks for the inspiration!

  6. Both Adult Meghan and Child Meghan have the right idea!! What a great post :D

    A Millennian Student

  7. I can't get over the pics of your pets lol! love it!
    XO Ellen from Ask Away

  8. Anatomy is my favorite subject too! :D!

    Your pets are adorable! <3 (I have a sibling named Sam too! :P)

  9. I love how you love Mexican food! I do too, and my fiancé is half-Mexican/half-Filipino so he has introduced me to a lot of gourmet Mexican restaurants, whereas before I only knew Taco Bell and Chipotle haha. I enjoyed reading your answers that I did this survey too! Check it out here


  10. ahh i love your middle name! it's my favourite name haha. and yay gilmore girls!

  11. I love this blog post... Gives me great pleasure getting to know you. :)
