
Friday, May 23, 2014

What I'm Looking Forward To: May 2014

I apologize for disappearing for a week...I watched the first episode of the House of Cards on Netflix last Saturday and that lead to me watching the two seasons in 5 days. Embarrassing or impressive? You can decide. Anyway, to continue on with our scheduled programming, I wanted to write about a couple things (both big and small) I am really looking forward to/just really excited about this month: 
1. My New Job
I start next week and I can't wait! Its different than any job I've ever had before (and more difficult), but I think its going to be worth it for the invaluable experience I will be getting. I don't want to write too much about it because I am slightly superstitious and don't want to jinx anything so this is all I will say for now!
2. Kim Kardashian and Kanye West's Wedding
I spent a good chunk of my day watching the Keeping Up With the Kardashian marathon on E! today in order to get my hopes up that the internet will be hit with a slew of pictures of the wedding tomorrow. I am most excited to see pictures of Kim's wedding gown...I'm imagining something as opulent as the venue?! I was sad to learn that they will be not filming the wedding for the show, and as I was unable to secure myself an invite, I will just have to hope that a sneaky wedding guest will leak some pictures!
3. Bedding for New Apartment
A few weeks ago, I moved out of my sorority house and in the fall I will be moving into an apartment near school thus giving me an excuse to buy new bedding for a new room! With Memorial Day Weekend upon us, my inbox has been inundated with emails about special store sales and I thought it might be a good idea to start looking at duvet covers and decorative pillows with the hopes of getting a good deal. Much to my luck, I found nothing in my price range that I liked so let's just cross our fingers and toes for a good Fourth of July sale?
4. Warm Weather
The past few days here in Maine have been chilly and raining. Being on summer break, I really hate this and wish I could snap my fingers to make it 80 degrees outside and sunny. Lately, I have found myself obsessing over the weather and can't help but constantly long for the beach. Unfortunately in Maine, the good summer weather does not descend upon us until July, meaning I still have five weeks of dreary cold weather with maybe a few "nice" days spread about ("nice"= 65 degrees and partly cloudy). Just give me my beach weather Mother Earth!!
I took this picture on my last beach day I had last summer!

What are you looking forward to or excited about?

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