
Saturday, May 17, 2014

The First, and hopefully not Last.

I have debated for many weeks about what I have wanted my first post to be...I kept thinking "Should I indulge in a shopping trip to Ulta and review a beauty product or maybe go crazy in the Express sale that's going on right now and show a bit of my style?" But then I also thought, "It might be cool if I start off with something a little more exciting like some pictures from a recent weekend trip I took to Washington DC?" There were many other thoughts of what this first post should be about (that I won't bore you with) and like usually I do with everything, I completely over thought it. After a couple weeks of deliberating and figuring out the delicate art of Gadgets, it hit me that I should just write my first post about why I am starting this blog. 
 The blogging world has interested me for a long time and I had always wanted to start one to be able to share my interests and connect with other people who share similar passions! However, I always lacked the self confidence to write about myself and I was too worried about what people would think about me out there in the big scary internet world. Just this year, the self confidence finally hit me and I decided that I am not going to let the thought of negative people potentially not liking me or my blog stop me from doing something I have always wanted to do!
After many hours spent Googling all my questions about how to actually make a blog (who knew formatting was going to be so difficult??) and many more hours figuring out what I wanted to write about, this blog is officially born. I'm still a little nervous, but that orange Publish button is yelling my name and I can't wait to click it!

What were you feeling before you published your first blog post?

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