
Thursday, February 4, 2016

Weekend in New Orleans

Hello! Sorry for being MIA for a week, but I was away last weekend and started my job this week. I feel like someone has hit fast-forward on my life the past few weeks...I hope it slows down! I am trying to take it all in as much as I can before its a year or five from now and this time in my life is just a blur. Anyway, I wanted to share some pictures from my weekend in New Orleans! My mom and I went down to visit my uncle and see my mom's favorite singer, Barry Manilow, for his "one last time" tour. I tried to be good and remember to take pictures of where we went, and I think I did a fairly good job (compared to my picture taking history!)

On a streetcar! 

Lafayette Cemetery Number One 

The cutest pink house in Riverside

How could I not stop to take a picture of this?!

Funny story about this picture.... We were walking along and I spotted this dressed up dog and snapped a picture. As I took a few steps away, I hear behind me "HEY YOU NEED TO PAY HER FOR THAT PICTURE" so I whipped around and realized that the dog had a tip bucket in front of her. I was so embarrassed! 

Do you think they even like Mardi Gras?

Royal St in the French Quarter...Home to restaurants and art galleries. 

Jackson Square

Before the show!

At a parade!

These beads were SO heavy! 

It was a great weekend and I have to say that I think my mom converted me into a Fanilow...He was an amazing performer. Even though I think I might have been one of the youngest people in the audience, I had a blast singing along. I was also so curious to see what NOLA was going to be like, and I think my favorite part was the gorgeous houses with the second story balconies (like the one in the pink house picture). I wish I could pick one up and put it in Maine!

Its a short post today, I know, but hopefully I will be back on track with my normal MWF schedule tomorrow! 


  1. Seriously, I'm dying over that pink house!

  2. Wow, what a a fantastic weekend. You and your mom look adorable in your wigs, LOVE IT! And you're making me nostalgic for our last NOLA trip. I loved riding the street car and visiting Jackson Square while munching on beignets. Le sigh!

  3. so did you put money in the tip bucket?! i hate things like that when they charge you for pictures lol. i only know a couple of barry manilow songs, but i am loving your outfit and pretty hair!

  4. Looks like such a fun trip! I'm dying to go down and visit New Orleans and you're photos are just increasing my wanderlust!

  5. Seriously, so jealous. I've always wanted to visit New Orleans! This post is just making me want to up and leave now!

  6. LOLOLOL @ tipping the dog!!!!!!! She's adorable though, I'll give her that!

  7. So many neat pictures! New Orleans looks like such an amazing place, I so want to visit!

  8. You actually look great with purple hair! Glad you all had so much fun! :)

  9. Your pictures are so great, we can tell you had an amazing time! Purple hair can be so much fun, it's a good look on you!

    ISA Professional

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