
Wednesday, January 27, 2016


I am officially a registered nurse! *heart beats out of chest when typing those words together* I cannot even begin to express how excited and relieved I am. I have spent so long working towards becoming a nurse and it is surreal that I get to put RN next to my name now. The past few weeks have been grueling with studying, and I had myself completely convinced that I was going to fail. I know that probably wasn't the best attitude to have, but I was just filled with stress and worry because all of my college studying and time had come down to one test.

James Madison University graduation, nursing grad
Now I feel like I really graduated!

I took the test early Monday morning and I thought I would actually be relieved after taking it...but I was only more anxious while waiting for my results. Although every nurse I have ever talked to said that they left the test thinking they had failed (when they had really passed), I really didn't believe it. But on the drive home on Monday, I could not stop thinking "oh my gosh, I failed the biggest test of my life and now I am have to study all over again". From finishing the test Monday morning to early Tuesday morning was probably more stressful than all of my studying combined. People were congratulating me on getting the test over with and saying that I would never have to worry about studying again, but I refused to pack my books away until I saw my license number yesterday.

I guess what is most exciting about all of this is that I can finally start my "adult" job/career. For a while I had been feeling like I was in a holding/waiting pattern with my life. Like waiting to graduate college. Then waiting to pass the NCLEX. Now, I feel like the rest of my like can officially begin. I feel like I can actually take that step into adulthood and become a full-fledged contributing member of society, instead of just a college student with the goal of becoming a nurse. Now, I can just say "I am a nurse!" instead of blabbing on about majoring in nursing and actually working as one being a far-off dream. Graduating from JMU was exciting, but this completely blows that excitement out of the water, because now I am proven to be qualified to have the job that I have wanted for so long.

I don't have many friends or family that read this blog, but in case they ever do, I want to thank all of them for their support throughout all of my schooling. I know that my BFF will read this and smile because she will *hopefully* know that she is a major part of my college experience (I can't wait to send you my NCLEX practice books, Sarah!). I also want to thank all of you for supporting me (and Me as Meghan!) because this blog has given me the best outlet that I could have asked for but didn't know I needed until I started it. I cherished the time I spend writing and also reading blogs, because it always helped ease some of the stress of school. I can't wait to officially transition this blog from the view of a college girl to a post-grad one and I hope you are excited to follow along!


  1. Yay! Congrats, girl! So happy for you! Welcome to adulthood ;) haha! You should totally celebrate with a cupcake or something!

  2. Ahh Congratulations girl!! That is wonderful news!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  3. HUGE Congratulations girl!!! What a big accomplishment! So so so happy for you!!!!

  4. How Wonderful!! Congratulations on such a great achievement!!!!

    Enjoy the excitement!! Melanie | Blog: Toots + Dill

  5. YAY! Congrats, so proud of you lady! I kneeeeeeeeew you could do it!

  6. Congratulations!!! So wonderful.

  7. Congratulations! As the daughter of a nurse and having lots of nurse friends I understand the hard work it takes for the NCLEX!

  8. That's amazing!!! Congratulations!!!

  9. YAY! I'm so happy for you Meghan!

  10. yayyyyyyyy! this is seriously awesome! congrats girl. seriously, huge congrats.

  11. Congratulations! So glad all your studying and hard work paid off! You deserve it!

    xx, Caitlin

  12. Congrats! I can imagine you're so incredibly excited! Now on to your "big girl" life!!!

  13. Yay yay YAY!!! Congratulations!! So happy and excited for you!

  14. YAY! Congrats!

    Mary Kate

  15. Congratulations!! Good luck with everything!
