
Monday, December 21, 2015

I Graduated!

Happy Monday everyone! I hope you all had amazing weekends. If you read my post from Friday, you know that this was a pretty big weekend for me. I graduated from college! I am beyond excited (and exhausted) from this weekend and I am thrilled to be typing this from home. For anyone who might not know, I graduated (ah!) from James Madison University with a major in nursing and a minor in chronic illness, both of which I absolutely loved.  This will be a quick-ish post today, because I have so much sleep to catch up on unpacking/cleaning to do, but I wanted to share a few pictures from this weekend!

I had my nursing pinning ceremony in the afternoon which is a tradition for nursing graduates across the country. I honestly liked this ceremony better than the university commencement because it felt so much more personal and it had more sentimental meaning for me. We recite a pledge and get to be pinned by a favorite professor. There were so many times during the ceremony where I wanted to cry, but as silly as it sounds, I didn't want to wreck my makeup because I knew I wanted to take pictures! After snapping a few pictures afterwards, we went out to dinner (@ Texas Roadhouse... I am embarrassingly in love with their food!) and went to the movies to, of course, see Star Wars...which was incredible and completely surpassed my expectations! Did anyone else see it this weekend?

James Madison University, graduation

I had my university commencement ceremony in the morning at the convocation center, and it was a fairly simple ceremony, except for the fact that the fire alarm went off in the middle of the commencement speaker's speech! Everyone had to file out of the convocation center and wait outside while the building was was crazy. The ceremony was started back up pretty quickly, and I eventually had my name called to walk across the stage. It was amazing and scary at the same time! If you were wondering, I didn't trip going across the stage at either I thought I was going to! After the ceremony, we went to lunch and then quickly packed up the rest of my apartment. Once we had packed everything in my car, we hit the road to get a few hours closer to home so that we wouldn't have to drive the whole 12 hours on Sunday.

James Madison University, graduation

We drove the rest of the way home and I was finally reunited with my babies (the cats). 

I was so happy with how this weekend turned out. Sometimes I let stress get the best of me, and I really tried to relax and keep the stress in check. Fortunately, the only hiccup of the weekend was the fire alarm going off during the ceremony and if that was the worst thing, then I think that means I was pretty lucky! It is weird to think that now I am official an alumni of JMU and that one chapter of my life has closed to let another one start. I am so excited to be moved home and be in one place for a while, and to continue this blog as a post-grad! 

What did you get up to this weekend?

Linking up here today! 


  1. congrats girl! that is awesome.
    we love texas roadhouse too, no shame. my husband is a huge star wars fan (well, not HUGE but pretty big) and we really enjoyed it as well, it definitely surpassed my expectations.

  2. Congrgats!! Very well done. Love your outfit!
    I really enjoy reading your blog! Maybe we can support eachother on Bloglovin'? Only if you like my blog too ofcourse :)
    I already followed you because yours is awesome
    Lots of love

  3. Congrats, congrats, congrats sweet girl! So proud of you and happy for you. And you KNOW I'm loving that leopard dress!

  4. Congratulations girl!! So happy for you to start this new chapter of your life!! You should be so proud!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  5. Congrats!! Loving the leopard dress and the purple gown!
