
Friday, December 18, 2015

Graduation Is This Weekend?! | Friday Favorites

Happy Friday friends! Its the big day! No, I don't mean my nursing pinning ceremony, or graduation tomorrow, but finally the day we have all been waiting for...the new Star Wars movie! I know Star Wars isn't everyone's cup of tea, and I am sincerely sorry that you have had to hear so much about it everywhere you turn. But at 8pm tonight, know that I will be SO happily sitting in a movie theater, waiting for that opening music to play! And, I guess happy that I will have had my nursing pinning... just kidding, I will be super excited about it I'm sure! For now I am just nervous that I will trip walking across the stage. Onto favorites for the week!

Favorite Article: Even though I apologized before about talking about Star Wars, I should've said that it would be mentioned again in this sorry again! Earlier in the week, I came across this article from Vogue, that gives insight on how to go about watching the Star Wars series if you've never seen it before. Personally, I subscribed to the 4, 5, 2, 3, 6 theory..but with 1 added in as well. So I guess 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 6! If you are a Star Wars fan, let me know what you think about this! 

Favorite Lust: I used the ABH dipbrow pomade, but want to try this out for my brows too...I get the impression that it is easy to use and more natural looking than the pomade! 

Favorite Blog Post: This post about holding onto that special holiday feeling from Taylor on the The Daily Tay. It was so touching and really resonated with me! 

Favorite Funny:  I was scrolling way too far back on funny Instagram videos and came across this Justin Bieber one...I seriously think I have watched it 500 times this week and laugh out loud every single time! 

A video posted by @bestvines on

Favorite Moments: 

1) Getting emails from my professors saying that all my grades have been finalized and sent off to the registrar for processing (spoiler: I passed everything). 

2) All week long getting to say to myself, "This time next week, you'll be a full-time resident of Maine!" Nothing against Virginia though, I have LOVED my college experience here. I am just tired of the back and forth between states and living spaces...I just want to be in one place full time for a while! 

3) Rewatching a few of the Star Wars movies so that I would be refreshed and ready to go for tonight...okay, that was really the last Star Wars mention for this post! 

I cannot wait to share on Monday what ends up happening over the weekend (ie. Did I trip or fall?) I will definitely be taking a lot of pictures for family members that couldn't attend and to share on here of course! Also, so many of you have said congrats on graduating and your sweet words have meant so much to me! I hope you all have the best weekend!

Linking up here and here today! 

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  1. YAY Star wars and YAY graduation weekend. So exciting, pretty lady! I hope everything goings well and cheers to living in one state! :)

  2. Congratulations on reaching graduation weekend! Does it feel surreal still? So happy for you and this big accomplishment. Next up: taking on the world!!! :)

  3. Congratulations on passing all your courses and graduation!! I can't wait to see Star Wars either!! =)

    Have a great weekend! Melanie | Blog: Toots + Dill

  4. Congratulations girl!! Enjoy your weekend!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston
