
Wednesday, January 20, 2016

8 Things That Inevitably Happen In Winter

I had the sad realization yesterday that its actually winter now.  You think I might have thought that when we had our first snowfall a few weeks ago? Nope. Maybe when it was really the first day of winter back in December? No again. Yesterday, when I woke up, the temperature was in the teens. Thirteen to be exact. And throughout the day, it only warmed up a bit. What really made me say "holy crap, winter is here" was looking at the forecast and seeing that it wasn't going to get much warmer for the rest of the week. With the season of cold officially here (in my eyes), we inevitably have certain things happen to us that we can only thank winter for!

// When you leave your warm bed in the morning and you regret it instantly

// When you think about your bikini body 

// Looking at the weather forecast

// When you've stepped outside for longer than ten seconds

// When you've left the house and underestimated the wind chill 

// Trying to hide your dry winter skin from everyone like...

// When you've gotten obsessed with looking at pictures of tropical locales

// Patiently waiting for warmer weather like...

I hope you stay warm where ever you are! 

Linking up with Jenn and Jessi today! 


  1. 100% yes!!! Now that it's really cold and actually feeling like Winter, I think we've all felt all of these at least once so far. I know I was yesterday with the windchill! Eeps!!

  2. hahahah YES! I only hit me yesterday how cold it was. I mean, I know it's been winter for a month now technically. But yes, the cold really got me yesterday. I think it was -17...

  3. Haha love this! It's pouring the snow outside here and is freeezing. Definitely dreaming of a tropical vacation right about now.

  4. These are great, and so true!!!! I hate cold!

  5. This is hilarious haha! The first one was totally me today!

  6. Oh my gosh this is so on point - especially getting out of bed in the morning! So fun fact I like to sleep with the fan on - more so for noise than anything else and this forces my husband to sleep in a hoodie and sweat pants LOL! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  7. Omg I agree with the other ladies! This is my reaction to each one!!!! I'm in NY so we are finally getting our first real "snow" storm this weekend so yeah the realization is going to bomp me on the head soon! =) Love the Donald Duck one!!! =)

    Melanie | Blog: Toots + Dill

  8. This is so. spot. on. I don't think it's been above 20 degrees here for who knows how long! And on top of that, our furnace quit working last night so it's even freezing inside!

  9. Haha I love this! I've been begging Tristan for a tropical vacation asap, and I think he's starting to cave ;)

  10. Yes to all of this! I have an internal debate with myself every morning to try and take a shower. I love the hot water, but I hate stepping back out into the freezing bathroom.

  11. haha i loved this! i wish i was in warmer weather too!! stay warm! Hope you have a great day, loves!

  12. Loving these gifs! Especially the one about your bikini body and waiting for summer. That is me all over right now, it is so stinking cold.

  13. This posts perfectly sums up all my emotions towards winter. I'm totally with you on not realizing until recently that it's truly winter. How long until spring?
    xx, Caitlin

  14. hahaha yes to all of these. we are going on a cruise in june and i'm not kidding, i keep looking at cruise recaps and such just because i am so impatient for warmer weather! i am not so impatient that i want it right now though, because my bikini body is SO not ready lol

  15. These were great! I just found your blog, and became a new follower! I love the Alice GIF... I live in Oregon so bikini season doesn't start until after the 4th of July anyways... so I always just say "screw it, I have months left still!"

  16. Haha these are so true!! I grew up in New England, so I am sooo happy to be out of the cold in SC, but even here it's been in the 30s at night!

  17. HAHAHA! So true! I even feel this way about some winter things in LA!
    XO, Jillian

  18. I have been seriously struggling with dry skin this year! I am moisturizing as much as possible but it seems to be worse than previous years. But then again, maybe I say that every winter? Come oooooon spring!

  19. This is a funny post because it's true for me and I don't even really live in a cold place. Arizona "gets cold" but it's nowhere near the Boston kind of snow and cold, by any stretch of imagination. I don't envy those living those the bad winters! xx

  20. I plan on not thinking about my bikini body until June. And even then it will probably be a "one-piece" body. lol
