
Monday, January 11, 2016

January Currently...

Happy Monday! On the contrary to many people's feelings, I like Mondays. I like the promise of a new week and the step into the future. To me, Monday is to a week as morning is to a day (I hope that makes sense?) Its like an automatic weekly reset where you can tackle new goals and the possibilities of what you can achieve are endless. If you can't tell, I am very much a morning person as well as a Monday person. I was feeling a "currently" post vibe today and I would love to know what you are currently up to, so let me know!


brunch, grapefruit, flatlay
Wishing I could repeat brunch on Saturday with John

Listening to a lot of Reel Big Fish because John got me tickets to see them in February and I am so excited about it!

Eating food that will allow me to get into shape for vacation. The thought of being in a bikini right now is a little daunting but I think with a spray tan and some working out, I will be ready!

Drinking lots of water. Trying to stay hydrated to improve my skin and just feel better.

Wearing sweats because I refuse to study in regular clothes!

Feeling like I haven't studied enough for my licensing exam, but hopeful that I will feel more confident after some kick-butt study sessions that I am planning this week.

Weather is non-stop rain. It feels more like late March outside, instead of early January! John and I stopped by the beach on Saturday and while the surfers seemed to be taking advantage of the bad weather, I was sad that we couldn't take a walk!

Maine beaches, beach, winter, surfing, birds

Wanting this foundation after I used a sample packet of it this weekend. I felt like a supermodel on the cover of Vogue because my skin looked and felt flawless. This want will probably never be fulfilled however, because I don't think I can bring myself to pay that much for a foundation!

Needing to pass my exam so I can stop thinking about it and finally start working as a nurse!

Thinking about how I would like to get a library card because my library has an app where we can borrow books using our cool!

Enjoying not having to go back to school. Today is the first day back for JMU students for spring semester and although it feels weird to not be there, its such a good feeling to know that I am in Maine for good!

I hope you have a great week!

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  1. Water is so key to feeling better, add some fruit to it for an extra delicious taste. I know you will pass your exams and will be a wonderful nurse. Both my BIL/SIL are nurses and I am learning more and more how incredible the nursing profession is and how much y'all do. You are going to be awesome!

  2. Good luck with all of your studying! Sweat pants are totally the way to go!!

  3. Good luck with your licensing exam! I'm sure you will do great!

  4. A vacation is always something to look forward to - it will be a nice reward after all the studying you've been doing! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  5. Lol! I think a spray tan always helps put me in the mood to work out too! It's like seeing instant success with working out. That foundation looks amazing, I'll have to try it sometime! Thanks for the recommendation!

    Darling Down South
    Find me at : instagram

  6. I feel exactly how you feel with your licensing exam with pretty much all of my subjects! I am also trying to drink more water this year.

  7. Good luck with studying! Where are y'all headed on your vacation? :)

  8. I need to try that foundation seeing as it made you feel like a Vogue supermodel! xx

  9. I've been meaning to get a library card ever since we moved... 5 years ago! lolololol I used to love going when I lived at home! And I love the idea of having an app for the library... that's sweet!

  10. Who needs the New Year, when you have a "new start" every week! It's a great way to look at Mondays, isn't it? :)

  11. I am not a Monday person but I am a morning person! I do understand what you mean about the fresh start and reset button though, it is nice to have that. Good luck on your exam!

  12. Love that you look more optimistically on Mondays:) Lovely blog! xx, Hayley

  13. i feel you on the mondays, i agree in that respect. but sometimes its a bit hard after 2 days off haha. definitely checking out that foundation, and i feel you on the bikini being daunting.. i have a few months though!

  14. Great post! Good luck with the studying!
    Mademoiselle Coconath

  15. I have such a love/hate relationship with Mondays and mornings! On one hand, I'm excited for a fresh start. On the other, I miss the weekend/sleep.

  16. I have such a love/hate relationship with Mondays and mornings! On one hand, I'm excited for a fresh start. On the other, I miss the weekend/sleep.

  17. ohhh, I love the blue mason jars, where are they from???
