
Wednesday, December 9, 2015

My 5 Favorite Christmas Movies

Happy Wednesday! I am feeling back to 100% after feeling not so great this weekend, which is good because I am wrapping up classes and putting final touches on projects left and right! I am very borderline stressed about about finishing up the semester, graduating, rushing back to Maine and jumping right into Christmas there. To ignore all the stuff I have to do relieve some of that anticipatory stress, I have been watching a lot of movies because I think they are great ways to continue the Christmas spirit. I thought I would share some of my favorite Christmas movies!

1// Elf // I think this might be on everyones favorite Christmas movies list...its just a classic! For me, the best thing about this movie is how quotable it is. John and I can never ever say "10 AM" without following it up with "Santa's coming to town!"

2 // Home Alone // Once again, I would assume that this is a pretty popular one as far as Christmas movies go. That being said, I think it is a well deserved favorite. How many times can I watch the end where Harry and Marv are subjected to Kevin's clever booby traps? The limit does not exist. 

3 // A Christmas Story // Watching this movie on Christmas Eve night was my family's tradition for a long time so I have such positive memories of it. Its also SO funny, so its one I highly suggest. 

4 // Eloise at Christmastime // I always try to catch this movie on ABC Family's 25 Days of Christmas and every year I tell myself I need to buy it! It is such a cute movie...Eloise is the sassiest little girl and I would love to have a day in her shoes living at the Plaza Hotel! 

5 // National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation // I'm not sure if I have mentioned it on here before, but my family's favorite movie is National Lampoon's Vacation...and Christmas Vacation is not far behind on that list! Like Elf, it is often quoted in our house. Its subtle in the movie, but we love "I don't knowwww Margo!" 

What are some of your favorite Christmas movies? 

Linking up here today!


  1. I've never seen Eloise at Christmastime, so I'll have to put that on my list today. Would you believe I didn't seen NLCV until I met my husband? It was not part of our movie repertoire growing up. Have you seen a Muppet's Christmas Carol? It is soooooooooooooo cute!

  2. Elf quickly became my favorite holiday movie when I saw it for the first time last year!! Also National Lampoons is just a staple and must watch! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  3. All of these movies are great! However, I must say that Elf and Home Alone are my favorites! :)

  4. Can you believe I've never seen "A Christmas Story"?! I know, I need to this year! I love all those others! Hang in there with finishing up the semester, it will all be worth it once it's done!

  5. Elf is my favorite, too. I love the part with him and the raccoon XDDD.

  6. Elf is the best, but Home Alone is such a classic! Love watching christmas movies!

  7. My family has the same tradition of watching A Christmas Story! I can't imagine a Christmas without it to be honest! I have full intentions of keeping the tradition alive but I think I'm going to add a favorite of mine which is Elf! It's another movie that it doesn't feel like Christmas until I watch it!

  8. I've never even heard of the Eloise one! I'm looking it up asap - thanks for sharing! Thanks for joining in on the link up! xo

  9. I've never heard of Eloise but I do own one of the ABC movies, Holiday in Handcuffs haha!! Love Elf and Home Alone. I've only see Chsitmas Vaca once so I really need to watch it again. My favorite is The Santa Clause!!

  10. I Love Eloise at Christmastime! Definitely one of my faves.

  11. what! i have never heard of that eloise movie. i need to check it out!
