
Monday, December 14, 2015

Hiking Old Rag

Happy Monday, friends! I hope you all had a great weekend! I was so excited to sit down and write this post because I had a fun weekend that I am excited to share. Here is a highlight from each day of the weekend...

Friday: My BFF Sarah came to visit for the weekend, after a spur of the moment decision on Thursday night. It made spending Friday studying so much better knowing that I was going to see her at the end of the day. Also, I am excited to mention her because I only recently told her about this blog and I know she reads it on the reg now! Hi, Sarah!

Saturday: I went for a hike! I know this might be embarrassing because I am from Maine and go to school in Virginia...two hiking heavy states...and I had never been before. We hiked Old Rag, which is in the Blue Ridge Mountains in the Shenandoah National Park area. Before going my friends (whose idea it was to go) had warned me that it wasn't exactly a novice trail, but we rationalized that since I had never been on a hike before, I wouldn't have anything else to compare it to...sound logic, right? It was tough for me and to be honest I wasn't super excited to go in the first place, but I am glad now that I can say I did it. Also, Tina Fey wrote about climbing Old Rag in her memoir, so I am mostly excited that I did something that she did too. I obviously took a ton of pictures because I needed proof for my mom the blog that I actually got to the top!

Old Rag Mountain Hike, hiking, Shenandoah National Park

Old Rag Mountain Hike, hiking, Shenandoah National Park

Old Rag Mountain Hike, hiking, Shenandoah National Park
My friend caught my efforts in trying to take a cool picture...the things I do for this blog!

Old Rag Mountain Hike, hiking, Shenandoah National Park
The result of the picture above.

Old Rag Mountain Hike, hiking, Shenandoah National Park

Sunday: After barely being able to get out of bed because I was so sore, I spent the day packing up my room so that I won't have to do it later in the week. Its hard to imagine that this time next week, I will be back to living in the state of Maine full time!

Overall, this weekend was a great way to say goodbye to Virginia and to the friends that I probably won't see until at least the spring. Now onto an NCLEX (nurse licensing exam) prep class this week and then graduation! I know I have mentioned the G word in so many posts lately, but I just can't help it...I am too excited!

What did you do this weekend?

Linking up here today! 


  1. Old Rag is SUCH a great hike, I"m SO GLAD you were able to get there before you move back to Maine. You had a great weekend to do it, such nice weather, right? Exciting about next weekend!

  2. Love that you had a great first hike! I can't believe how nice it was this weekend--no heavy coats or scarves needed! Hope it wasn't too sad saying good bye to your BFF!!

  3. This is one of my favorite hikes. You were able to get some beautiful pictures. If you ever make it down to SWVA, The Channels is amazing and is not nearly as strenuous.

  4. The hike is definitely worth those views!! Great job girl! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  5. OMG those views!! Makes the blood sweat and tears worthwhile!
    If you want to read about my life I've just started an online diary, advice is loved!

  6. Gorgeous photos. What did I do this weekend? I dyed my hair purple and watched Christmas films. Good on ya for doing something amazing. <3

  7. Gorgeous photos. What did I do this weekend? I dyed my hair purple and watched Christmas films. Good on ya for doing something amazing. <3

  8. Well carefully peering over the edge for that picture was well worth it! All your pictures are wonderful!! If hiking around here looked as beautiful as it does there then I think I would be hiking all the time!

    Shannon Sage

  9. Old Rag is a great beginner hike. Love the rock scrambles! It looks like you had a great time

  10. Those pictures are amazing!!! Framers for sure!

  11. I always love it when my boyfriend or my best friend comes over for a visit during the weekend, though I don't know how you manage to get some studying done; I'd be too excited to focus, haha.

    So lovely that you reached the top, Meghan; the photos are gorgeous!

    May | THE MAYDEN | Bloglovin'

  12. I absolutely love hiking <3 it's amazing seeing beautiful landscapes. Congrats on graduation!

    Kisses and good karma,
    Tatum | AbstractAphrodite

  13. Hiking is the best! Such pretty pictures you got. I'm so glad you had such an awesome weekend!

  14. WOw the view looks breathtaking!
    XO Ellen from Ask Away
