
Friday, November 6, 2015

Its not too early for Christmas music, right?

Happy Friday everyone! I hope you all had a great week and recovered nicely from any Halloween exhaustion that you might have had! My week was pretty much the same old, same old with clinical, online classes and blog work. Since I spent so much time on my computer this week, I took my breaks in between work by browsing Twitter and YouTube, which gave me a lot of favorite links for this Friday! Here they are...

1. James Corden in Phantom of the Opera
James Corden is the host of The Late Late Show on CBS, and to be honest, I had never heard of him until I watched him present an award at this year's Emmys. He was absolutely hilarious and I googled him, asking myself "who is this guy and why haven't I heard of him before?!". After watching a few of his show's clips, I am totally hooked. While browsing YouTube this week, I found a clip from his show that I hadn't seen, but was hilarious. If you are a Phantom of the Opera fan, or just someone who likes to laugh (and who doesn't?) you have to watch this clip!

2. Kandee Johnson Makeup Videos

Kandee Johnson is a makeup artist who does amazing transformations...I watched so many this week and was just mesmerized. My favorite was the barbie one! If you check out her channel, tell me which one is your favorite!

3. 25 Days of Christmas Schedule

Now that Halloween is over, its time to start celebrating Christmas. I know, I know...I am one of those people that likes to start celebrating early! I can't wait to watch all of these! Anyone else?!

4. This post from Pinky @ Pink Persistence and this post from Julia @ Gal Meets Glam
These two were my favorite blog posts from this week! Pinky's post about gratitude really motivated me to start recognizing and giving thanks for the great things that I have in my life (both big and small!). She is always to inspirational and I love reading her posts!
The next post is a fashion post from Gal Meets Glam, and I just can't get over how gorgeous that purple coat is! She has amazing style and lives in the ever-fabulous San Francisco!

5. My own video.... that too cheesy? I am just so excited that I finally put myself out there! Thank you so much for the nice comments on my post about it the other day...I was so so flattered and reading those comments made my heart feel like it was going to explode out of my chest. Internet friends are the best! Also, speaking of friends...I have kept this blog a secret from my non-internet friends, up until last night when I sent the link to my best friend. (If you're reading, hi Sarah!) I was so nervous even though I had no reason to be, and she was more than supportive and excited about this blog. I feel like I can just tell everyone now!

I hope you all have a great weekend! What were your favorites for the week?


  1. I'm a firm believe that it's never too early to play Christmas music!!

  2. I dont think it's cheesy that your blog video is a favorite! You did a great job and it's awesome to be proud of that! :)

  3. I was super nervous to "come out" to my non blog friends, too. It's still not something that I blow up on Facebook or anything like that, although I'm definitely not hiding it now either. It's nerve wracking at first!

  4. I seriously could watch Kandee's videos alllll day. She is incredibly talented!!

  5. I loved both posts you shared!!! And omg that makeup Kandee did is incredible! Happy Friday! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  6. Oooh yay, I hadn't seen the 25 Days of Christmas release - bookmarking that now. James Corden is also my favorite - I will be watching that video now :)

  7. I LOVE Kandee Johnson videos. Although she makes me want to spend way too much money on makeup! :)

  8. I'm a big fan of Kandee and her videos. I loved all of the transformations she did for Glamour mag!

  9. Kandee Johnson's videos are so neat! I have only watched a few, so I need to go back and see more. :) Have a great weekend!

  10. i totally listen to christmas music year round lol. i love kandee's videos, i haven't watched any in awhile though, i'll have to binge watch tonight!
