
Monday, September 21, 2015

Thoughts on the 2015 Emmy Awards

Who watched the Emmy's last night? I am a huge fan of award shows... and as a self proclaimed movie and TV buff, I especially love the Academy Awards and the Emmy Awards. It would be my dream to get all dressed up and walk into a room that holds the most powerful and influential actors, directors, writers, and editors of the year. Lets not forget that the after-parties would be pretty sweet too (hello, haven't you seen pictures of the swag bags they give out?!)

Favorite Moments of the Emmys:

~Jane Lynch coming out on stage as the shaming nun from Game of Thrones. SHAME *bell rings*

~Amy Schumer and Amy Poehler presenting an award together.

~Jeffery Tambour dedicating his Emmy win to the transgender community.

~"I love funny women. I love powerful, funny women." - Julie-Louis Dreyfuss during her acceptance speech #YASSSS.

~"Its a fishing community off the coast of Europe"- James Corden referring to England.

~"Time as we know it could cease to exist, and Alex Trebrek would still be scolding librarians from  Ames, Iowa and passive aggressively insulting their hobbies." -John Oliver presenting the award for Limited Series or Movie Directing.

~Andy Samberg's singing in the "Emmys Can Kill" PSA.

~Frances McDormand ultra short acceptance speech...mostly because I cringe when the winners get the music played over their speeches to kick them off the stage.

~The Halloween Oreos I snacked on during the show...

~"This show fights for what we believe in"  + "This girl who gave me this sort of smoky eye" - My two favorite lines from Amy Schumer's acceptance speech of Best Variety Sketch Series

~HBD George RR Martin (why aren't you at home writing...I'm anxious awaiting whats happening next in GoT)

~Uzo Aduba's second consecutive win. So cool that last year she won in the comedy division, but this year's win was in the drama division...for the same character! "You let me be me!" (Not going to lie, I cried a little during her acceptance speech!)

~"These are just some of the characters...that I made up backstage"- Tina Fey, presenting the award for Lead Actor in a Drama Series.

~ Tracy Morgan presenting an award!

~Game of Thrones winning best Drama Series. It has a total of 83 Emmy nominations and I believe they deserve every single one of them. Does that make me sound like a nerd? P.S. Is Jon Snow alive?

Bummer Moments

~Bill Murray wasn't there to accept his award...I would have loved to hear his acceptance speech

~When they played clips of the season finales of the many shows that ended this year...Thank goodness I finished Sons of Anarchy last week because they played the most important clip of the show. Also, they did gave away what I am assuming is the ending of Mad Men. You'd think they wouldn't give away such big spoilers!

~Getting Oreo crumbs in my keyboard

~Jon Hamm's cryptic acceptance speech (anyone else think so?!)

I am now swayed into watching shows that I didn't know were so highly rated. Veep and Olive Kitteridge won so many awards and I am officially adding them to my "must watch" list. But they are both HBO shows, so I should have known that they were well-made! I also like how acceptance speeches are transforming into bringing more awareness about current issues, instead of just the winner spewing first names out with such pressure that I am sure the microphone is wet with spit after they are done. Overall, it was a good show, but just stressed me out because there is so much more TV that I need to watch...

What were your thoughts on the show if you watch? Also, leave a comment below if you know how to get the job of the girl who holds the award onstage...because I need that job.


  1. I've heard great things about VEEP, but I've never seen it. Now, I guess I need to watch, haha.

  2. VEEP is an AMAZINGLY funny show! We didnt watch much of last season, but it's hilarious--I think you'll really like it.
    I've never seen Olive Kitteridge either, but I'm kind of intrigued since it won so many awards. And I haven't seend Transgender either.
    Loved the stuff you loved about the Emmy's too--especially Jane Lynch--that was hilarious (I wish they had actually had her do that lol)

  3. i didn't watch the emmys but now i am glad - how rude that they showed spoilers! i guess they assume most people watch shows as they come out, and not binge watch years later lol

  4. I didn't watch this year but I loved your recap! I will add myself to the list of any and all 20-30-something women who adore Amy Schumer. I mean, what's not to love? Now I want to look up Jon Hamm's speech haha.

  5. I didn't watch the Emmy's this year but now I feel like I have! I did DVR it so maybe I will go back and watch, sounds like there were some great moments!
