
Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Netflix Picks #2: Quentin Tarantino Films

movies, Netflix, recommendations, what to watch, Quentin Tarantino, movie reviews

Way back in March, I had the intention of starting a series of Netflix recommendations (click here to see the first set of picks!) and while it was one of my more popular posts on here, I never followed up with more picks. But that is all about to change today because I have three more picks for you and they are all movies by the famous director/screen play writer/ actor/ producer, Quentin Tarantino! If you are familiar with his movies, then you know that they can be dark, yet funny..and slightly gory. If you aren't familiar with his movies then you should read these recommendations, open up Netflix, and get watching.

Kill Bill, Vol 1 & 2

movies, Netflix, recommendations, what to watch, Quentin Tarantino, Kill Bill, movie reviews
 via Netflix

Plot in one line: An assassin goes after her boss and his other employees after she is left for dead on her wedding day.
Thoughts: I would have to say that these two movies are my favorites of Quentin Tarantino's. Uma Thurman plays, "The Bride" a kick-ass assassin who stops at nothing to get revenge. She is a powerhouse in this movie and you are rooting for her every second to finish her revenge. As cheesy as it may sound, what I liked most about this movie is how much girl power there is. Other assassins are played by strong women like Lucy Liu, Vivica A. Fox, and Daryl Hannah. 
Just a warning: There are a lot of fighting scenes in these movies with swords, and you can imagine the kind of gore that can come from that...
Mood to be in to watch: Ready to go to the gym afterwards because you'll want to start training to be in as good of shape as Uma Thurman is in this movie.
My Rating: 5/5

Django Unchained

movies, Netflix, recommendations, what to watch, Quentin Tarantino, Django Unchained, movie reviews
via Netflix

A freed slave, Django, and his unconventional bounty-hunting companion, Dr. King Schultz, travel across the west seeking out Django's wife, all while cleverly capturing outlaws. 
Thoughts: You know how earlier, while writing about Kill Bill, I said that they were my favorite Quentin Tarantino movies? I decided, after writing the one line summary of this movie, that I can't actually pick a favorite because they are all so freakin' good. This movie is in the style of an old western and I remember being skeptical of that upon my first viewing when it came out in theaters. But by the end of the movie, I was completely hooked and since then, I have seen it numerous times over. Jamie Foxx and Christoph Waltz play a duo that will make you smile, all while acting out a plot that can be unsavory at times. Leonardo DiCaprio plays a large role as an evil plantation owner. Seeing these three powerful actors work together is incredible and if that doesn't sell you enough...Kerry Washington (Olivia Pope on Scandal), play's Jamie Foxx's wife. SOLD!
Just a warning: There are a few hand to hand fight scenes that are hard to watch and there is one scene that I always have to shut my eyes for. 
Mood to be in to watch: Be ready to hate Leo for the first time in your life. 
My rating: 5/5

Reservoir Dogs

movies, Netflix, recommendations, what to watch, Quentin Tarantino, Reservoir Dogs, movie reviews
via Netflix

After a heist goes awry, a group of robbers have to figure out which one is the police informant. 
Thoughts: This is Quentin Tarantino's first film which automatically makes it a classic in my book. It is interesting and funny, but also has a storyline that jumps around so it is not a movie that you can watch while doing your nails/scrolling through Instagram/cooking dinner all while having a phone conversation with your mom about how to make said dinner. I feel as though this is a movie where just as there is nothing happening, there is actually everything happening...I know that doesn't seem to make sense, but just watch it and then maybe you'll understand (or just think I am wrong!) 
Just a warning: You might never think the same again when you hear "Stuck in the Middle With You"
Mood to be in to watch: Ready to focus on the plot and the characters because there are a lot of them!
My rating: 4.5/5

While I know his film style and plot lines won't be appealing to everyone, I am hoping a few of you are able to enjoy these picks! If you've seen all of them already and are a fan of Quentin Tarantino, he has a new movie coming out on Christmas Day called The Hateful Eight. (Check out the trailer here!) John and I can't wait to see it, and it already has some Oscar buzz surrounding it!

Let me know if you've seen any of these movies before and your thoughts on them!

Friday, September 25, 2015

TGIF & Talking About TGIT!

Happy Friday people! I hope you had a great week and have fun plans for this weekend. I have clinical tonight, a CPR class tomorrow morning, and most importantly, a downtown beer fest tomorrow afternoon. I am bummed about the rain that is supposed to happen, but at least the weather will be cool enough for me to get my fall style on! What are your plans for this weekend?

Now lets talk about somethings from this week...

First, can I just say that this was such an exciting week for television? At the beginning of the week, we had the Emmy Awards and then there have been so many season premieres since then! There has been so much chatter around me at home/school/on the internet about all of the Shonda Rhimes' premieres. However, I am feeling kind of left out that I only watch one out of three Shonda Rhimes' shows. I have been a Grey's Anatomy fan since middle school, but never started watching Scandal or How to Get Away With Murder (*collective gasp from the internet*). I know, I know...I am missing out, right?! After I am finished watching Friday Night Lights, I should probably catch up with Scandal. I have just been hesitant to in the past, because I don't like to watch shows on Netflix where the series isn't finished. Its hard to keep up with TV shows that are premiering new episodes every week! Are you a Scandal or HTGAWM fan? Maybe I could be convinced to put a pause to FNL and pick up one of the two...

2) Amy Schumer's Post Interview at the Emmy Awards
"I think we all know how I am celebrating later..." I know she can be crude, but I think she is just a riot! I love how genuine she seems to be, and is unapologetic for it! It was one of my favorite moments of the Emmys when she and Amy Poehler presented an award together...I wrote about more of my favorite moments of the Emmy Awards earlier in the week so check those out!

3) Urban Decay x Gwen Stefani Collab
I found out this week that Gwen Stefani collaborated with Urban Decay on a cosmetics line and I am too excited about it! Gwen Stefani has been one of my idols for such a long time...she is so fierce and just plain cool. I can't think of anyone better for UD to work with to create a line of makeup because Gwen has such a distinct look to her. Bold red lips and sharp, rocker eyes are what I am expecting from this collaboration!

4) Mighty Mighty Bosstones Tickets
One of my favorite bands since middle school, the Mighty Mighty Bosstones (a mouthful of a name!), is playing in Boston in December & John and I got our tickets yesterday! We went to see them last year at the House of Blues in Boston and had an absolute blast. They are a ska band (basically rock/punk rock with brass instruments thrown in) and I can't wait to dance my butt off this year!

5) Some Pin-spiration...
advantages of being messy, pinterest, quotes, pinspiration

admire someone's beauty, quotes, inspiration, Pinterest, beauty

slightly strange, quotes, inspiration, Pinterest, motivational quotes

I hope you all have a great weekend!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Fall 2015 To-Do List

Happy First Day of Fall! 

I got a little to overzealous about today being the first day of fall and wore jeans and a fleece pullover to campus for a meeting...not realizing it was actually 75 degrees and sunny outside. I just want it to be sweater weather, okay?! I never really appreciated fall until I left Maine and went to Virginia for college. Since I have been gone, I understand how lucky I was to have beautiful falls in Maine. If this sounds a little bit like I am homesick to you, you're right...I just book flights home for Columbus Day weekend though so only two weeks until I am back! 
There is so much I want to do this fall, and since this is a relatively short season (only October and November, if you think about it!) I wanted to write it all down so I could make sure I got everything done that I wanted to.

~Go apple picking and make an apple pie.

~ Blanket scarves. (Need I say more?)

~Watch as many Halloween-themed or scary movies as I can.

~Go for a walk where I can get a perfect view of the changing leaves.

~Rock the darker lip colors. (hello to dark cranberry and almost purples, am I right?!)

~Eat all of the candy corn.

~*Attempt* to make a warm apple cider cocktail. 

~Celebrate JMU homecoming with my best friends. 

Most of all, I want to try being more adventurous this fall. I posted the picture below on my Instagram the other day, and I truly believe what it says. Fall is the time for starting something new and changing and I feel like I could change to be a more adventurous person. So to do that, I want to try one thing that pushes me outside of my comfort zone. I am not exactly sure what that will be yet, but this new season upon us just has me feeling inspired! 
A photo posted by Meghan Farrell (@mfarrelll14) on

What are you looking forward to this fall?

Also, thank you to Pinky for this awesome link up today! I can't wait to get even more excited about fall through reading everyone's posts about it!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Thoughts on the 2015 Emmy Awards

Who watched the Emmy's last night? I am a huge fan of award shows... and as a self proclaimed movie and TV buff, I especially love the Academy Awards and the Emmy Awards. It would be my dream to get all dressed up and walk into a room that holds the most powerful and influential actors, directors, writers, and editors of the year. Lets not forget that the after-parties would be pretty sweet too (hello, haven't you seen pictures of the swag bags they give out?!)

Favorite Moments of the Emmys:

~Jane Lynch coming out on stage as the shaming nun from Game of Thrones. SHAME *bell rings*

~Amy Schumer and Amy Poehler presenting an award together.

~Jeffery Tambour dedicating his Emmy win to the transgender community.

~"I love funny women. I love powerful, funny women." - Julie-Louis Dreyfuss during her acceptance speech #YASSSS.

~"Its a fishing community off the coast of Europe"- James Corden referring to England.

~"Time as we know it could cease to exist, and Alex Trebrek would still be scolding librarians from  Ames, Iowa and passive aggressively insulting their hobbies." -John Oliver presenting the award for Limited Series or Movie Directing.

~Andy Samberg's singing in the "Emmys Can Kill" PSA.

~Frances McDormand ultra short acceptance speech...mostly because I cringe when the winners get the music played over their speeches to kick them off the stage.

~The Halloween Oreos I snacked on during the show...

~"This show fights for what we believe in"  + "This girl who gave me this sort of smoky eye" - My two favorite lines from Amy Schumer's acceptance speech of Best Variety Sketch Series

~HBD George RR Martin (why aren't you at home writing...I'm anxious awaiting whats happening next in GoT)

~Uzo Aduba's second consecutive win. So cool that last year she won in the comedy division, but this year's win was in the drama division...for the same character! "You let me be me!" (Not going to lie, I cried a little during her acceptance speech!)

~"These are just some of the characters...that I made up backstage"- Tina Fey, presenting the award for Lead Actor in a Drama Series.

~ Tracy Morgan presenting an award!

~Game of Thrones winning best Drama Series. It has a total of 83 Emmy nominations and I believe they deserve every single one of them. Does that make me sound like a nerd? P.S. Is Jon Snow alive?

Bummer Moments

~Bill Murray wasn't there to accept his award...I would have loved to hear his acceptance speech

~When they played clips of the season finales of the many shows that ended this year...Thank goodness I finished Sons of Anarchy last week because they played the most important clip of the show. Also, they did gave away what I am assuming is the ending of Mad Men. You'd think they wouldn't give away such big spoilers!

~Getting Oreo crumbs in my keyboard

~Jon Hamm's cryptic acceptance speech (anyone else think so?!)

I am now swayed into watching shows that I didn't know were so highly rated. Veep and Olive Kitteridge won so many awards and I am officially adding them to my "must watch" list. But they are both HBO shows, so I should have known that they were well-made! I also like how acceptance speeches are transforming into bringing more awareness about current issues, instead of just the winner spewing first names out with such pressure that I am sure the microphone is wet with spit after they are done. Overall, it was a good show, but just stressed me out because there is so much more TV that I need to watch...

What were your thoughts on the show if you watch? Also, leave a comment below if you know how to get the job of the girl who holds the award onstage...because I need that job.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Quick Question about Labor Day Weekend...

Tubing last weekend on the Shenandoah River! 

I've just been wondering...

Why do we call Labor Day weekend the "last weekend of the summer" when really, the last day of summer isn't until September 22nd? That gives us two more weekends of summer, which I plan on taking advantage of! I mean, I know for students school starting back up signals the end of summer...but what about all the people that aren't in school or don't have kids starting back into the school mode? If you don't have kids and aren't in school, do you still have two weeks of summer or is Labor Day Weekend the end of your summer? So many questions!

I hope you all are enjoying your weekend nonetheless, and please share whether or not your summer ends with this weekend! 

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Monthly Favorites | August 2015

I haven't done a monthly favorites post since last OCTOBER! Almost a year...which is crazy because I love reading/watching other people's monthly favorites posts/video. I was super excited to do an August favorites post because I tried out a ton of new products and had a couple new ideas of what categories to include in my post!

Favorite Beauty

August '15 Beauty Favorites

I bought these products towards the beginning of the month and they were quickly integrated into my beauty routine! The mascara and the foundation have been used every single day since I have bought them and I am obsessed. Also, I find myself wearing the silver powder as a mask about twice a week! I will probably have a more in depth review of these things coming up as a post later because they are well loved and I want to share!

Favorite Memory

For John's birthday back in June, I bought us tickets to go see the Beach Boys play in downtown Portland on the waterfront! He is in love with the beachy and carefree vibe of their music, and I am in love with all music pre-2005...The concert was amazing and although I was nervous that they wouldn't sound like they used to, since they are getting up there in age, the Beach Boys were awesome performers. They whipped through almost 40 songs and I sang along to so many of them (as did everyone else in the audience!). This is one of my favorite memories of the summer because it was a beautiful night, we were right on the water and we were so happy to be enjoying such a classic American band! 

Favorite Place

The beach! Although I didn't get to go as much as I would have liked (thanks to the rain on my off days), the beach was absolutely my happy place for the month of August. Whenever I went, I felt so relaxed and carefree and on those days I felt so much better about everything that was going on. 

Favorite Blogger/Vlogger

Jaclyn Hill videos played on my YouTube app nonstop through the month of August! She is such a talented makeup artist and hilarious as well. She just released a highlighter at Sephora and I just can't even imagine how surreal it must be for her to walk into the store and have her own product there. She is absolutely an inspiration for me because she is so positive with all things in her life and has achieved so much at a young age. 

What were some things you loved in the month of August?

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Fall 2015 Fashion Picks

With fall approaching quickly, I have been gearing up my wardrobe for cozy fall nights that are perfect for warm sweaters and neutrals. Now, I haven't been great in the past about buying neutral colored clothing, because I just love wearing purples, greens and pinks...but lately I have just felt so chic in black, white, grey and tan clothing. I thought I would share some pieces from my top three favorite stores that I think would look fabulous this fall!

Fall Favorites

JCrew Fall picks

Banana Republic Fall Picks