
Friday, May 29, 2015

Is it too late to talk about Memorial Day?

Yay for Friday! I hope you all had great weeks and have even better weekend plans. Lets get on with five on friday! 

Memorial Day // I wanted to do a recap of my MDW, but work exhaustion caught up with me (see below!) John and I went with our friends down to their family's lake house on Cape Cod. It was a little chilly, but it was nice to get away for the weekend. We went out to eat, down to the beach, and did a bit of shopping. My favorite part was driving through the neighborhoods with houses right on the water. The homes were gorgeous to look at and I could only dream to set foot in one someday! We had a great time overall. I love little weekend trips because its easier to do a few spread out through the summer, rather than try to take off a whole week of work to do a full vacation. 

Work // Today is the end of my second week of work at my new job (tech in an emergency department) and I am loving it so far. Its very similar to my job last summer, but the commute is much shorter...yay for saving gas and time! 

Sunscreen Scare // Came across this page and was freaked out that all the sunscreen I use could be dangerous...but then looked further into the issue of oxybenzone in sunscreen and it results are very inconclusive so who knows!

Jack Rogers // Found this babies on sale and couldn't resist! I am slowly breaking them in and I am finding them to be so comfortable. Do you have a pair and love them?

Some funnies from the weekend // 

Have a great weekend!

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Happy 1st Birthday!

Right now i'm sitting in the same exact place where I first hit publish a year ago and I remember being so nervous about pressing that orange button on Blogger. I don't know what I thought was going to happen...Would people laugh at me for my writing? Would anyone even read what I had written? Did I care what people thought? I think its hard to take on a completely "don't give a damn" attitude about people judging you, and throughout blogging I have learned that I don't care if they dislike what I write, but I care if they enjoy it. I want to make people laugh and I want to maybe even inspire and make a positive impact on other people. I think I have made a few of you laugh, but I am still working on the inspiration bit! 

Here's a little look back on the first year of Me as Meghan: 

My very first post "The First, and hopefully not Last" has 7 views, and I think I am okay with that considering it was just my pointless rambling and there were no pictures. I think that if I were to write a "first post" again, it would definitely be similar to what I wrote a year ago. Thats a comforting thought because it means that my blog hasn't diverged off of what I originally wanted it to be. 

My most popular post this year was "Best Movies of 2014", which is funny because I have such a weird taste in movies and I am sure no one actually agreed with me on the "best" title. 

My top three favorite posts were:
3. D.C. Recaps One & Two

 In searching back through old posts, I am happy with where I have been in the past year, and am excited to see where this year takes me with this blog. I am thankful to have all of you reading as you are all so encouraging and inspiring for me! My only regret about this blog is that I did not start it sooner. Since I can't rewind the past and start this earlier, I can only channel that wish into building a better blog for the future. Let that future start now! 

Monday, May 4, 2015

Currently...(Finals Week Edition)

Ugh, I have been the worst blogger the past few weeks and I have finals to blame. However, I am forcing myself to take a break from my critical care nursing studies to catch up on my bloglovin' feed and read some weekend wrap up posts. Did you know those are one of my favorite kinds of posts? I am just so nosy and like to know what everyone else has done over the weekend! I spent most of my weekend studying, but it has paid off so far with a 96 on my pediatric nursing final. WOO! One down, two to go. My hardest is tomorrow, so I am only giving myself a half hour to write this post. Since I have been away from my beloved space here on the internet for a while, I thought I would do a little catch up piece! 

Working on: Aside from exams, I am mentally working on two things...1) What to get my mom for Mother's Day, and 2) What to get John for graduation. Both are on Sunday and I am completely clueless about what to do. 
Thankful for: JMU!

Listening to: My spring playlist. I have been jamming to it every morning on my way to campus and I am sure everyone who drives past me likes my karaoke show. 
Watching: As a study break, I watch old episodes of Game of Thrones...It's better the second time around!
Anticipating: GOING HOME! Its starting to get a little humid here in Virginia so I look a bit like Monica in Barbados...
Eating: Honey-wheat pretzels. What was I thinking buying them? The bag is nearly gone. 
Wearing: Yoga pants and a sweatshirt has become my studying uniform...The library keeps the AC at what feels like 55 degrees so even when its 80 degrees out, I am inside shivering!

One week until I start posting from home! I am beyond ready to get summer started. I hope you all have an amazing week!

Also, a huge thank you to Brittany @ Life Like a Twenty Something  and Lauren @ The Arizona Prepster for nominating me for the Liebster Award!