
Monday, March 2, 2015

Spring Break @ Home To-Do List

Oh, the famed college spring break...many of my peers will be headed south to beaches filled with other college students, concerts, and sunshine. However, I am headed 12 hours north to Maine (home!) as a spring break trip south was just not in the cards for me this year. To be honest, I am bummed that I won't be laying on a beach a week from today, especially since it has been so cold here lately. I am grateful to be headed home though, don't get me wrong! I am thankful that I do have a great family to go home to and that I have a beautiful state to call home too. The only thing I am maybe not looking forward to is how cold it will be (okay I saw that eye roll, I know you are sick of me talking about the weather)!
The closer I get to break, the more excited I get that I will have so much free time to myself. Or at least that's how I am trying to convince myself how to feel...Many of my friends do not have the same break schedule as I do (John included--he's in South Carolina on break this week!) and my family will be busy with school/work. The more I think about it, the more I am motivated to make a list of must-do's for this break so I can maximize my productivity and make this a break free from moping around wishing I was basking in the warmth of the sun with a cool drink in my hand. That was the last weather reference I swear!
This was at the beach near me at home last spring break.

 Here are some of my home-for-spring-break-must-do's:

1. Learn to braid my hair like Amber Fillerup Clark of Barefoot Blonde

2. Take my dog for a walk on the beach.

3. Hit up the outlets...ya girl would like some new going-out tops!

4. Read 3 books. 

5. Wash my makeup brushes...(its been awhile). 

6. Publish 3 posts. 

7. Cook my family dinner. 

8. Go to at least 2 restaurants that are participating in Maine Restaurant Week (March 1st-14th).

9. Have a really fantastic margarita (or two). 

10. Go skiing. 

11. Find a new home for the clothes I have sitting at home.

12. Eat seafood...because I don't trust the seafood here that's three+ hours from the nearest ocean. 

13. Go to open lap swim at a local (indoor) pool. 

14. Work on my photography skills.

Well that's it. 14 things for the 7 days I will home. I know these items on the list aren't the most earth-shattering things to do, but they are all feasible and I will be proud of myself if I cross everything of the list! 

I hope you all had a happy Monday and I wish you an even better Tuesday! 


  1. Oh spring break, how I remember thee. I've done the beach trips and I've done the just home and chill trip, too. Both were awesome in their own ways, for sure. Hopefully the snow won't be too crazy when you go home. Love the idea of your list, make SURE you do #5, soooo important! I'm already jealous of your skiing!!!

  2. What a great list of things to do that are productive, instead of just getting drunk and partying every night. Im sure your trip home will be nice! Ill be keeping my fingers crossed for you for no snow!

  3. You have a lot to do in a week but it all looks fabulous!! Love that you want to cook your family dinner. Enjoy those 2 (or so) margaritas!

  4. You're going to have such a good time! I'm going home for spring break as well, and home for me is Illinois. I should make a list like this, too!

  5. they may not be earth shattering but they all look fun and i want to do them all, can i have 7 days off please? i have never really had a spring break, sigh. if i had 7 days off right now i would eat all the food, nap all the naps and read all books. enjoy!

  6. I'm going home, too! And I actually can't wait! :)
