
Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Last Minute Weekend

Does anyone feel overwhlemed when they open their bloglovin account after a few days of not reading posts, and you have 145 posts to read? Thats like reading a novel! Good thing I am through the hardest test of the semester and now I have a bit of a reprieve before having to immerse myself in studies again. Thank goodness my test was last week and not this week because I was away this weekend!
My mom called me Tuesday night and after conferring about the weekend, we made a last minute decision to meet in northern Virginia on Friday so we could attend a memorial wheelchair basketball tournament that was held in honor of my mom's best friend's son, who passed away last December. My mom and her friend have known each other for 20 years (almost my whole life), and have seen each other go through the best of times and the absolute worst of times whether they have been near or far from each other. Their friendship is inspiring and I was so happy that my mom and I were able to support her and her family this weekend.
The whole tournament was incredible, and if you have never seen a wheelchair basketball game, I suggest you pull up YouTube right now and watch a clip. The coordination and athleticism needed to play is incredible. While I was watching the championship game, I couldn't believe how fast the ball moved up and down the court! Some of the players had such a competitive drive (the drive I most definitely lacked in high school swimming) and some of the players were in it for the fun (they were the ones with big smiles on their faces while playing!).
Tee shirt from the tournament!
It was nice to spend some quality time with my mom as well. I usually only get to see her for Parents Weekend and school it was a treat to see her on a random weekend! Since we spent most of the weekend at the community center where the tournament was being held, I don't have much else to write. I know I am not giving this weekend the justice that it deserves but I don't know how to write that I spent the whole car ride back to JMU crying about the strength and love in my mom's best friend's family and how much of an impact they have on me every time I see them. I am so thankful to know them and to learn from them.

Sorry for the sap, but this weekend really meant a lot to me and I wanted to share a piece of it! I hope you are all having and great week!


  1. I bet the basketball game was incredible! And so nice that you got to spend time with your mom, remembering someone important!

  2. Sounds like an amazing game!!!!

    I just pick my favorites when bloglovin is full! I follow so many blogs, I know I can't keep up with them!

  3. I am so behind on blog reading too. It makes me feel anxious!

  4. I love events like that basketball game, you can truly see others enjoying life the way it should be and not taken for granted!
