
Thursday, October 23, 2014

If you don't Instagram it, did it really happen?

Basically my life motto (see above). Instagram is definitely my most favorite social media app, and editing pictures is one of my favorite little hobbies. Here are a few apps I love using when editing pictures!


Some of my friends think I am crazy for this, but I actually paid for my favorite Instagram picture editing app (its only $0.99). Afterlight is totally worth it, I swear! There a lots of filters to use that edit the picture just enough to make it look good, but not enough for it to look too edited. This is my go-to app for editing. I even use it to edit some pictures for this blog as well!


This is probably my second most used app, and I use it in probably every one in three pictures on Instagram. It has a ton of uses (and it's free!), and I think its kind of like an Instagram-type app...but I really only use it to make bigger pictures fit into the smaller square shape that Instagram likes pictures to be. It basically shrinks the picture down and creates the white borders on the sides (similar to Whitagram, but I prefer this). You have to "post" the picture in order to be able to save it to your camera roll, but I never really check the feed! 


I feel like this is an obvious one for us out here in the blogging world! I mostly use it to add text to pictures...I don't really love the filter choices! Some features are free, and I find it enough to definitely make do! Are there any of you out there who have upgraded to the pro "Royale" version? Is it worth it? 

What apps do you enjoy using for editing?

Helene in Between Blogtober


  1. I think I need to download Afterlight.. it sounds like a great tool!

  2. Instead of picmonkey use ipiccy. It's the free version and has the same stuff!

  3. Oooh I might have to try out that Studio one! I have afterlight and love it too!

  4. Would you believe I don't have Insta?

  5. I love Afterlight! Great filters! It makes me feel like a professional photographer haha

  6. I hadn't heard of Afterlight or Studio, I definitely need to check them out!

    (catching up on past posts)
