
Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Dumbledore always knew what to say

I first want to start off this post by saying that I started writing a post Monday about my weekend and it was really funny (in my head) and then I did the worst thing a blogger can do while on a good writing groove, which is take a break. I picked it back up yesterday but the universe told me to just give up on that post. You might be asking how I knew that the universe was giving me such signals, and I'll tell you... I was innocently typing along when the C on my keyboard just went flying off my laptop and landed next to me. Thirty minutes of YouTube tutorials, sweat and swears later, the C was finally put back on by yours truly and I promptly went and deleted the post as I had no motivation to finish it anymore. However, my weekend with my family visiting was fantastic, and I was truly touched by all the comments on my post from Friday that wished me a great weekend with them! 

For today's prompt we are talking about our favorite quotes. Like many of these prompts this month, I can't just pick one thing, so I'll give you a run down of my favorites. 

My senior quote in my high school year book (and maybe my favorite quote overall, I know I picked one!) was...

This quote has always been my mantra during the bad times...I will always be thankful for Albus Dumbledore (and JK Rowling!) for bringing such wisdom into my life! 

Here are a few others I love...

And obviously...

What are some of your favorite quotes? 

Helene in Between Blogtober