
Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Best/Worst Vacation

Soo there is a deep dark secret about to come out right now---I love Disney World. Okay maybe that is not as exciting or dark as you would have hoped so sorry about that. I love everything about it...the rides, the food, the hotels, the characters, the magical feeling that you get once you are on Disney property. Its been 3.5 years since I have been there and I am dying to go back! 
My best vacation was when I went to Disney World my senior year of high school. I was probably more excited than both of my little brothers combined even though they were at a way more appropriate age to be excited about a theme park centered around a mouse. One of the best parts of this trip was that I got to bring a obviously I chose John. 
Stealing me back from Prince Charming 

I think I was probably the happiest person in the happiest place on earth.

Except when Cinderella tried to take John...I had to tell her to back off

I think we did about every ride in the all of the parks (except I chickened out on Tower of Terror...too scary). I love my family and I love John so having everyone together for a whole week was a dream come true and its one that I wish I could relive over and over. If I never have a vacation that was as good as that one, I honestly think I would be okay with it. Its really not about where I was or what I was doing but its really about how I felt the whole happy to be with my loved ones.

As far as the worst vacation goes, I know we are probably supposed write about that vacation where we drove across the country (with our fair share of misadventures) to a theme park only to find out that it is closed, so Dad had to buy a gun and force the security guard to let us in. But I don't have any vacation stories like that, so sorry guys!
This is my family's favorite movie, along with Christmas Vacation---they are quoted regularly in the house

Tell me about your best/worst vacation!

Helene in Between Blogtober


  1. I've never been to Disney World, I always think I'm not age appropriate, but your never too old for Disney! Sounds like a great holiday :)

    1. Any age is appropriate for Disney World! It was great, thank you!

  2. I love Disney World! Such a magical place. I only have good memories from vacation so I only wrote good things as well!

  3. I have never been to Disney! I went to FL last year but we never made it that way.

    1. You'll have to make a trip back to FL someday so you can go! Its the happiest place on earth!

  4. GOsh my little heart comes alive at Disneyland/world :-) Definitely a must vacation!

    1. I definitely know that feeling...I get the flutter when I think about it!

  5. I havent been to Disney world since I was in 4th grade, but I've had so many friends who have gone as adults and loved it--maybe I need to add that to my list of places to go!

    1. Definitely add it to the list! There are quite a few restaurants and tours geared towards adults in Disney so its not all kid based things!

  6. I haven't been to world but love Disneyland. I haven't been amazingly in over 11 years, I mention why on my blog today. (best/worst vacation) It looks like you had a blast.

    1. Yes it was so much fun! I haven't been to Disneyland yet, but its on my travel list!

  7. awww hahaha I LOVE this! You're a girl after my own heart. Disney world is the best!! :)

  8. Those pictures are fabulous! I love em! Disney is one of my favorite places, so fuN!

    1. I think I might have scared Cinderella in that picture! I can't wait to go back there, it is a blast!

  9. I love anything Disney related! I go to Disneyland all the time, but have only been to Disney World once! I wanna go back!

    Lisa @ ::Showered With Design::
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    1. Thats so awesome you go to Disneyland all the time...I need to go!

  10. omg prince charming!!! That's so funny! I'm with you though, I don't have any bad vacation stories!

    1. We will have to knock on wood to not get bad vacation luck now!

  11. Awww Disney World is still on my bucket list! Your post is funny! :)

  12. I haven´t been to Disney, and I was planning to go to Eurodisney (Paris) for my 30th Birthday....But I decided to postopone it and go during spring , ..I can´t wait!! The pictures are great by the way hahaha

    1. Thank you! I would absolutely love to see Eurodisney...I bet it will be beautiful in the spring when you go!

  13. Oh, Disney World is my dark secret too! Specially now, that they added the Harry Potter world - I'm dying to go again! :) Great post! :)

  14. Thank you!! I realllyyyy want to go back to Harry Potter world to see the new addition too!!
