
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Monthly Favorites | September 2014

September is always a month that surprises me how different it is when comparing the beginning and the ending. At the beginning of the month, it was 90+ degrees outside and I was just starting my classes and recruitment was nearly here. Now, at the end of the month, I am comfortably in the swing of my schedule and the weather has cooled down to a more bearable temperature for this Northerner. I am most happy that I have gotten over the stress of a new semester and I am almost halfway through my time being away from home (only 58 days until I see my cats and dog, meaning 59 days until you see an obnoxious post filled with their pictures)! But I'm sure you didn't click on to this post to ramble on about my animals, so lets get on with this month's favorites!


Before I went back to school, I made sure to make a stop at Ulta because I unfortunately do not have one close to me while I am at school. I was running out my cream eyeshadow that I used for a long time on my eyebrows, and figured I should expand my horizons as far as eyebrows are concerned. After reading amazing reviews, I decided to go with the Anastasia Beverly Hills Dipbrow Pomade in Soft Brown. What I love most about this product is how long it stays on/ how durable it is! After a 12 hour clinical day, I am always surprised to come home to find that my eyebrows still look awesome. I can't wait to try more of her products!


I know I am way behind every other college girl in the country, but I placed my first Tobi order this month! I needed a white dress for recruitment and nothing in stores was catching my eye. I finally succumbed to online shopping, which I am always hesitant to do because its such a hassle when something doesn't fit. Since I had never ordered anything from Tobi before, I was sent a 50% off coupon code which was put to good use when I ordered a few dresses and crossed my fingers that one would work. Fortunately, one ended up being perfect for recruitment and now I have a bad habit of checking the website weekly (especially when I get an email telling me about a sale!)


First, I just need to say how bummed I am that I haven't kept up with the first few weeks of  Fall television premieres. I am usually a TV addict, but lately I have found Netflix calling my name because of the convenience factor. John visited last weekend and we started to watch the first season of American Horror Story. We were kind of freaked out by it (okay it was just me who was freaked out), but we both wanted to keep watching it to find out what happens! I visit him over this past weekend and we were able to finish the whole... don't judge, there is only 12 episodes! If you have a high tolerance for scary/freaky things then this show is highly recommended...however if you are like me and only have a moderate tolerance for scary things, watch it with someone else!


I didn't know how to accurately describe this category, so lets go with activity. Since this is my first year living off campus while at school, and I no longer have access to the fantastic dining halls for all of my meals, I've been cooking a ton. At first, I was stressed about it because everyone talks about how much of a hassle it is, but I have actually grown to like it. I scour Pinterest looking for semi-easy recipes and usually cook a couple portions at a time so that I have plenty of leftovers to munch on when I am not in the cooking mood. Some days its nice to come home after class and unwind in the kitchen making dinner! I was thinking about posting a few recipes I have been liking on here...they are nothing too complicated, I promise!

What are your favorites this month?

P.S. I think I might participate in #Blogtober14 and *attempt* to blog everyday (or most days)! 
Helene in Between

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