
Monday, July 28, 2014

Three Pictures

Today's prompt instructs us to post three of anything, one I took, and one selfie! It worked out that I am going to just use the last three pictures I have posted on Instagram (one of my favorite apps!) If you like these pictures, click here for my Instagram profile!

1. Anything: Moosehead Lake, Maine
We ended up going up to the little cabin on the lake for the weekend, and it was such a quiet few days! It will probably be my most favorite weekend of the summer. We went kayaking in the lake, read books, watched movies and worked on a puzzle. One of the best things was that I did not get any cell phone service so I was forced to have a little technology "blackout"! It was so peaceful and I can't wait til I can go back again!

2. One I took: John waterskiing!
A few weeks ago, John and I went to his best friend's lake house and went out for a ride on the boat! John tried waterskiing for the first time and I took a ton of pictures (the best ones were of him dramatically falling...see above). While it wasn't too hot in the morning, it warmed up by the afternoon and we were able to go swimming in the shallow part of the lake. I used to not be a lake person, but this summer has totally changed my perspective on them so I am slowly falling in love!

3. Selfie: John and I about to take off on an amusement park ride!

Last week, we met my Mom's family in the town over from us that has a great mini golf course and a little amusement park to celebrate my youngest brother's and my cousin's birthdays. The weather was perfect and it was nice to have my extended family all together! I obviously came in second in mini golf, rocked ski-ball in the arcade, and only screamed a little on the rides...(or a lot). 


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