
Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Cheeseburgers With A Side of Shopping?

The stars had a rare alignment yesterday thus resulting in John and I both having the same day off! To celebrate this unusual occasion, we decided to drive a ways up the coast to Brunswick to this little drive-in restaurant called, Fat Boy Drive-In. Its a pretty famous Maine restaurant that has been featured on TV and in many articles for its delicious (and cheap) burgers and old style drive in service! 

We pulled up, left our lights on for service, and in no time a waitress was giving us menus that feature cheeseburgers just over $2 and a large side of fries for $1.80! John and I were starving so we ordered SO much food, and since it was so cheap and local, we tried not to feel too bad about it!
Us waiting for our food to arrive! 

 We ordered a cheeseburger, a specialty burger, a Canadian BLT, a side of onion rings, a side of fries, a Coke, and a vanilla frappe! We figured we should sample a bit of everything to get the full experience, right?? When they brought out all our food, they put it on a tray that hung right on the window of the car.

Food just hanging outside the car

By this point, John and I were a bit hangry BUT I managed to snag a picture of my cheeseburger before it was devoured...LOOK HOW YUMMY IT IS!
I got it with my two favorite burger toppings--ketchup and pickles

Once we finished this huge meal, we decided that a bit of outlet shopping would be the cherry on top of our vanilla frappe! We headed to the outlet village in Freeport (one of my favorite shopping places!). Our first stop on our shopping excursion was L.L. Bean, of course! For those of you that may not know, Freeport, Maine is home to the L.L. Bean flagship store...and its also one of John's favorite stores!
Did someone lose a boot?

After some wandering around the sale racks and looking at all the tents set up outside, we decided to check out some other stores. We both had success in the Old Navy outlet and the J. Crew Factory store! 

My mini haul!

I got two pairs of flip-flops from Old Navy, even though I'm not a big flip-flop fan, but I needed a few pairs to throw on for the beach. I also grabbed a bikini top from Old Navy for $6.50...SCORE! Finally, I bought a plain purple tank top from J. Crew Factory for $4...what a bargain!  Although J. Crew was having an awesome sale, I didn't want to spend a ton of money because John's birthday is this  coming weekend and I knew I would be spending money on his gifts this week! (More info to come on his gifts, I just don't want to spoil the surprises!)

We ended the day with one of my brother's Little League All Star games! It was a warm night for the game and turned out to be a fantastic night because they won! 

When was the last time you had a delicious cheeseburger?

Monday, June 23, 2014

Anatomy of a Work Day

Like any semi-reliable blogger, I was worried about what I was going to write my weekend wrap-up post about seeing as I worked all day Saturday and Sunday. I didn't just want to skip a post or just write "I worked"...So I am going to bore you with a dissection of my work day...BUT it is going to be explained through gifs so maybe keep reading?

When my alarm goes off:

Having to say goodbye to my cats for the day:

Once I'm at work, it's 12 hours of this...

...and this:

When I look at the clock and I am only six hours into shift:

When my 12 hours are up and I get to leave:

15 minutes after getting home: 

30 minutes after getting home:

How I feel about my job overall:

What did you do this weekend?

Friday, June 20, 2014

Meet My...Dog!

Reilly Jane is a four year old Golden Retriever. She loves swimming, long walks, and cuddling with her big sister (ME!). 

 We got her when she was just a puppy and I was a junior in high school. To be totally honest, I didn't want much to do with her at first. She was so cute but a ton of work that I wasn't interested in. 

However as time went on, I fell more and more in love with her, and now I can't imagine being home and not having her there! I miss her so much while I am away at school and it is the best feeling to come home and be greeted by her big grin and incessantly wagging tail. 

She can always make my day better and I hope these cute pictures of her makes your day a little better too! 

BONUS: Heres the cutest gif of her!

Do you have any pets?

Thursday, June 19, 2014

First Beach Day of Summer!

This is just a quick post, but I just had to share my day with the world! If you read my What I'm Looking Forward To for May (click here to read it), you'll know that I was in desperate need of some good weather and today I was in luck! My work days this week were switched yesterday and I had an unexpected day off today. I slept in, enjoyed coffee in my favorite mug, and caught up on all the YouTube videos and blog posts that I hadn't watched/read in a few days. Towards the late morning I decided that the weather was way too nice for me to sit inside and hibernate all day, so I decided to head down to the beach.  I am only a six minute drive from the beach so its easy just to get my stuff together and go over! I asked one of my best friends to go with me and I loved catching up with her while having the lovely view of the ocean in front of us. It was the perfect afternoon and I cannot wait for all the beach days I am going to have this summer!

We kept having to move our chairs up the beach because the tide was coming in!

Be sure to follow me on bloglovin' if you want to read more about my future beach visits and tips!
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Are you a beach, lake, or pool person? 

Monday, June 16, 2014

Baseball & Brunch ~ Weekend Wrap-Up

Fortunately, I was not training at work on Friday so I got the chance to sleep in a bit (if 8am is sleeping in to you)! I kind of had a bum day...took the dog for a walk and wrote a blog post (click here to read it)! My favorite part of Friday was that John and I had planned ourselves a little date night out. We did the classic dinner and a movie date. For dinner, we grabbed Thai food (yum!) and for the movie, we saw 22 Jump Street! It was SO funny, and John said he wanted to see it again because the theater was laughing so loud that we missed a lot of movie dialogue! Before the movie started, I had my doubts because of it being a sequel and they can obviously be hit or miss, but this movie was a hit. Definitely go see this if you get the chance! If you need more convincing...Channing Tatum. 

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Saturday was another bum day (so lazy, I know), but on the brightside, it gave me time to play around with a new blog layout and color scheme! What do you guys think? I'm really loving the colors...perfect for summer! I took the dog for a walk, which I love doing because I swear she smiles the entire time and it makes me so happy. Finally, that evening my brothers had a Little League baseball semi-final game, which was a stressful one! It was a close game, but luckily they pulled through in the end to win the game! The town championship game is tomorrow...wish them luck! Also, I didn't take any pictures at the game like I planned because it started to rain and I was afraid my camera would get too wet!

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Here's another gif of 22 Jump Street to make up for lack of Saturday pictures!

John and I met his parents down in Kennebunkport for brunch at the Nonantum Resort!

It was such a lovely day, and we got to sit in a sunny, window-filled room that looked right out onto the cove. The food was delicious, although I mostly stuck with the breakfast side of brunch! Helloooo made-to-order omelette station! After we were finished eating, John and I stuck around Kennebunkport for a bit, just to explore!
View from the back lawn of the Nonantum!

We pulled over at this little empty stone chapel to explore and take some pictures! 

 It looked right out onto open ocean!

Top is Banana Republic & Pants are Gap

This is the chapel's view!

Later that day, I celebrated Father's Day with my family with a nice dinner out! It was perfect family time that I really cherished! 

What did you do this weekend?

Friday, June 13, 2014

My Work Day Makeup Routine

Most days for work I need to get my butt out the door by 5:45am, which means my alarm is going off at 5:15 so a full face of makeup is out of the question! In order to not look like a total zombie all day, I do put on a little bit of makeup so I thought I'd share my quick routine! 

Since its about 5:25am when I am applying this, you can imagine how dark the bags under my eyes are. I recently bought this concealer to cover those bad boys up (tbd if I actually like the far, its been a let down). I apply it under my eyes, on my eyelids, above my eyebrows, around the edges of my nose, and on any spots I have on my face. I blend it into my skin with a random short shader brush that I didn't like for eye shadow, but it works great for concealer!

Now it is 5:28am and I've tripled checked to make sure that I haven't left any unblended dots of concealer on my face (because I've left the house with giant dots of concealer on my face before...NOT PRETTY). Then I throw this finishing powder on to keep concealer in place and to keep my forehead from looking like an oily mess by the end of the day (sorry thats gross).

Step 3: Smashbox Cream Eye Liner Trio

It's 5:29 and grab this cream eye liner and a eye liner brush to fill in my brows. As you can tell from being able to see the bottom, I use the brown from this trio (unless you think I have magenta or gold eyebrows). Now I know this is a cream eyeliner, but I feel like it works better as a brow filler because it looks more natural than a pencil and lasts longer than a powder would. Also, ignore the fact that both products mentioned in this step are not being used as what they were initially made for...

At 5:31 I reach for my holy grail product...this mascara! Out of all the mascaras I have used, drugstore AND high end, this is my absolute favorite. I have naturally long eyelashes, but I like to add a lot more volume and I find that this product just works perfectly for me! Also, at $6.99 a tube, you can't find anything better for price and quality!


What products do you use when you are in a rush?

Monday, June 9, 2014

DIY Congratulations Frame

With graduation party season well under way, I thought it would be the perfect time to write about one of my favorite high school graduation gifts! 

My mom purchased a frame from the craft store that had a wide matting board, and framed my favorite senior picture. Then she set it up with some Sharpies at my graduation party, with a note asking guests to sign it with some well wishes! I absolutely loved reading all of the congratulatory notes and sentiments that my friends and family had written for me, and I know it is something I will always want to have hanging in my home.

As someone who does not have a crafty bone in their body, I love this idea because it is simple and easy, but also extremely sentimental. While I received it as a congratulations for graduating, it is a craft that would also fit well into a wedding, bridal/baby shower, going-away party, or any event in which congratulations or best wishes are due!

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

My May 2014 Favorites!

Finally, the dreaded month of May has passed! You might be saying to yourself, "who hates May???", but this girl does. The beginning of the month is a week of finals, followed by a long drive home to cold and rainy weather in Maine. Then its days of unpacking all my bags from school, and finally sitting around waiting for the good weather to come. Once its warm, there are so many things to do and places to see in Maine and I just want all that fun here now. But enough complaining, onto my favorites this month! Like in my last post, (click here if you haven't read it yet), I've linked the product names to the websites where you can get more information! 

At the end of April, I picked up the Maybelline Baby Skin Instant Pore Eraser Primer in hopes of a cheap replacement for my bareMinerals Prime Time Foundation Primer. While I am not a expert on skin primers, I didn't notice a huge difference between these two products. The bareMinerals primer has a consistency that is a bit more smooth than the Maybelline one, but once on the skin, they act the same! I like using a primer when I use my full coverage foundation because I feel like it creates a protective barrier between my skin and the heaviness of the foundation. Now this may be completely stupid reason for using primer, but I feel like it really does work well for me. I have used it most days this month and find that it does hide my large pores (embarassing) well. I also love that it is $6.99 compared to $24 for the same result!

While I have had this product for a while, I recently got into using it daily because I had forgotten how much I loved it! It is the Satsuma Body Butter from The Body Shop! I am just obsessed with how citrus-y it smells (satsuma is a fruit similar to an orange or tangerine, thanks Wikipedia) and I find that it is extremely hydrating for my dry skin. I like to use body butters compared to body moisturizers as the consistency of the body butters is usually thicker, which I would guess takes longer for the skin to absorb thus increasing the time that is on the skin hydrating (yay, science!). When I was on the website for the body butter to get the link for this post, I saw that it was 50% off...can you guess what I am stocking up on??

House of Cards is a Netflix original series about a U.S. Congressman, Frank Underwood, climbing and manipulating his way to the top. It stars Kevin Spacey as Frank, and Robin Wright as Frank's wife, Claire. While you hate Frank Underwood for how cruel and calculating he is, you can't help but love how he can predict the next five steps of everyone else around him and how ruthless he is to get what he wants. Right now, there are two seasons on Netflix with the third season due out in about a year or so. This series is definitely a must-see!

What were your favorites this month?