
Wednesday, January 6, 2016

2016 Blog Goals

Happy Wednesday! I hope everyone is doing well with this first week after the holidays...we are halfway to the weekend! This week has made me hangry due to my post-holiday detox diet (why did you have to eat so many Christmas cookies, Meghan?!) and stressed because of studying for the NCLEX. I know it takes a few days for the body to stop those sugar cravings, so hopefully by the end of the week I will have stopped staring lustfully at the candy jar on the living room table...

blog goals, new years resolutions

If you recall Monday's post, I talked about my personal goals for 2016 and today I will be talking about my goals for this blog. I am super excited to get these down in writing, because they are things that I have been thinking of for a while now. I don't know if it was noticed, but starting in mind-October, I really tried to amp up this blog. While I know there is a lot I still need to work on, I am proud that I have really stuck to my plan over the past few months and I want to bring the momentum I have gained into the new year. 

But before I can continue on with my goals for this year, I would like to reflect back on my blog goals from 2015. I want to share what I did accomplish and also what I didn't...

// Learn how to make a blog button. 
// Reach 60 Bloglovin' followers by the one year anniversary of Me as Meghan.
// Go on adventures/try new things in order to gain experiences that I can turn into interesting and thoughtful posts  This one!
// Post at least three times a week Although it took me until October to get the MWF posting down consistently, this is something that I am really happy with! 
// Sponsor another blog 
// Host a giveaway
// Tell my friends about this blog I told my best friend who has been more than supportive! While I know I should tell more people, I think I have a better plan for this for 2016...
// Have a better blog schedule, where I plan out my posts a few weeks in advance I have post ideas and blog plans written down in my planner, it has made blogging so much easier! 

By the end of 2016, I hope to accomplish... 

// At least three fashion posts

// Sponsoring another blog (I have already started to research what blog would be best!) 

// Host a giveaway

// Reach 250 Bloglovin' follwers

// Blog everyday for one month 

// Share my blog on Twitter and Instagram 

// Make a lot of layout updates...especially my About Me page!

// Buy my own domain name 

I hope that this time next year, I will be crossing all of these things off in a post about my blogging goals for 2017! What are some of your blog goals for 2016?

Linking up here today! 


  1. You have some really great blog goals. The making a button isn't too bad and should be pretty easy, just google how to do it! :) Good luck!!

  2. I've kept my blog a secret from most of my friends too,it's fun to have something that's just mine, ya know? You have some great goals, I can't wait for a giveaway!

  3. I hope you reach all your goals girl!! You can totally do it, the blog button is an easy one - there is a button generator! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  4. I think all of these are great goals! I would love to host a giveaway sometime in the next year, so maybe we could collaborate on this :)

  5. I love goals posts! Good luck in 2016. I just pushed you up one more on Bloglovin ;)

  6. You got this!!! Excellent ideas too! xo

  7. Great job with your goals last year!! I am actually hosting a giveaway with a bunch of girls in a couple of weeks if you'd like to join in to complete another one of your goals?! I'd also be happy to help you make a blog button!

  8. Great goals! Keep up the amazing work, I love your blog.

    xx. The Coastal Confidence

  9. Yay! It's going to be a great year for your blog!

  10. good luck girl! you can totally accomplish all of these.

  11. great goals for you this year! best of luck with them. my goal is to find my tribe, my blogging tribe.

  12. Yay! Found your blog through Alicia Tenise's blog! I'm with you on getting the word out. I haven't shared my blog with my Facebook "friends" yet - not sure if I ever will!
    My major blog goal for 2016 is to get a domain name and a new layout. Other than that, checking out other blog posts more! Happy 2016 and happy blogging!

