
Wednesday, December 30, 2015

2015 In Review

Happy Wednesday! I have been buried in watching Gossip Girl unpacking the past few days...I'm trying to make the most of the space I have in my room and trying to get rid of all the clutter that has accumulated in my room over the past few years. I have hoarder tendencies and I have tried to be ruthless in what I have been throwing away. Do I really need bank statements from 2013? Shirts that I haven't worn in a few years? Barely used hand lotion from a yankee swap that I don't like the smell of? NO! I am hoping to get everything finished today, so wish me luck!

Today, with NYE looming, I wanted to look back on the year on this here we go!

3 Most Popular Posts of 2015

1. Almost Halfway | Friday Favorites 

I don't know why, but I think its so funny that a Friday Favorites post was my most popular post of the year! I still think that monkey video is hilarious...

2. 6 Tips For Combating Stress 

These kinds of posts are my know I am a sucker for lists! I get a lot of hits on this post through Pinterest which makes me happy because I really tried to create more "pin-able" images this fall. My increase in Pinterest traffic has definitely proven that I did right with a few pictures!

3. You Can Always Have More Than One Favorite... | Friday Favorites
I am glad that there are two Friday Favorites posts in my top three most popular posts of the year because I love writing them! They are a great way to look back on the week, and I love making little lists to look back to about what I was favoriting at the time.

My Personal Favorites

1. Netflix Picks #1: Independent Girly Comedies

I love watching/talking/researching movies and I don't know why I didn't think of this little post series sooner! I will definitely be continuing it into 2016!

2. A Very Special Five on Friday

Its corny, I know, to include this as a favorite post of the year, but I loved going back through five years worth of pictures of us and posting a few.

3. Everyday Makeup Routine | Video

 I just had so much fun making this video, because I just love watching everyday routines. I got so much great feedback on this video too... I felt/feel so lucky to have people say such kind words!

This book was definitely my most favorite read of the year. I still swear that Tina somehow can read my mind and she transcribed it all into this book!

I hope you enjoyed these posts over the year! Also, since this will be my last post before New Year's, I wish you all a happy and safe holiday! Cheers to the New Year! 


  1. i have to check out that netflix post!! So glad you had a great year blog wise and wishing you all of the same in 2016!! So glad to have found your blog! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. I really liked your de-stressing tips post. We all could use a little more de-stressing in our lives and it was some very helpful tips. Will definitely have to check that book out. Happy New Year!

  3. so glad you loved bossypants, i need to re-read it (or listen to it again) she's so funny. i am always looking for new netflix recommendations so definitely keep them coming! happy NYE!

  4. Love your blog! And I am also a fellow gossip girl lover - so much so that I started watching it again last month! Happy new year!

    Aimee X
