
Friday, November 13, 2015

You can always have more than one favorite...

Happy Friday! I feel like I blinked and this week went by. Is this how adulthood always is? If so, no thank you, I am going back to grade school. I had a same old week, with online class and blogging and so sometimes I feel like my eyes are going to burn out of my head from staring at the computer for so long. I read a blog post a few months ago about glasses that blocks the blue light from getting to your eyes that is emitted from the computer...has anyone tried those? I am seriously considering getting a pair! But enough with my rambling, and lets get on with some favorites on this great Friday! I usually do favorite links that I have found throughout the week, but today I was feeling like mixing it up and doing a whole bunch of different types of favorites!

Friday favorites, blog post,

Favorite Video
Please don't ask me how many times I have watched this video this week...its too embarrassing to count! I think its definitely been around for awhile, so I probably missed it when it was first out, but better late than never! Plus I don't think I will ever be able to get the song out of my head. Its slightly obnoxious, but completely endearing.

Favorite Music
I know I am late to the party (same with the video mentioned before), but I just downloaded Spotify a few weeks ago...and I am loving it! Its great to have the flexibility to be able to listen to any song I want on all of my devices. Last week, for their #TBT playlist, they had girl anthems from the 90s that include a lot of Alanis Morissette so I was really into that this week! The only thing I don't like about it is that now since I am listening to music a ton more, I have to wait until my roommates are out of the apartment so that I can have a concert in the shower without judgment.

Favorite Blog Post
I loved all the posts this week that had the best items to get for the Sephora VIB sale that starts today. I think I even started drooling while reading a few! My favorite post about it though was from Biana from B Love Boston because everything she included in her want list are things that I would lovvee to have...especially this and this too! Are you picking anything up from this sale?! Let me know!

Favorite Quote
I know I included her in my favorites post last week, but I was watching a Kandee Johnson video about how to have more self confidence with clothing and style in general (something I have lacked until very recently!). She quoted her grandmother who gave her a comeback to say when people gave her a hard time about what she wore...She said to say "Just be glad you don't have to wear it!" and I couldn't agree more. I actually wish I had seen the video at the beginning of the week when my roommate was dissing faux fur vests (which I love!)

Favorite Moment(s) of the Week
1. Realizing that Thanksgiving is only 13 days away now! I think I can already smell the turkey...
2. Sitting down to have coffee on Wednesday and thinking about how in a week from then, I will be having a cup of coffee with my mom.
3. Buying a sweater for John for Christmas that he really wanted, and then checking back the next day and seeing that it was sold out (and I probably got the last one!)

Favorite Surprise
Finally seeing the Finding Dory trailer come out! I have only been waiting since Finding Nemo came out like ten years ago. What are your thoughts on it?

I hope you all have a great weekend!

Linking up here and here today! 

*This post does contain affiliate links*


  1. Cheers to Friday, wooooohooo! 13 days till Thanksgiving, I sooo can't wait! I hope you have a great weekend and cheers to getting the last sweater! OH and Finding Dory, YAYAYAYAYAYYAY!

  2. Biana always has great recommendations! Girl has good taste!! :)
    Hope you have a great weekend, and enjoy your new found love of Spotify!!

  3. I love finding out that something I just bought sold out and I might have bought the last one, lol. B had a great list!! 13 days? Guess I better get all my Thanksfgiving crafts finished so I can enjoy them. Hope you have a great weekend!

  4. I'm so happy you enjoyed the list - I just placed my order!! :) Way to go on getting that sweater early - see the early bird does get the worm!! Have a great weekend!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  5. I love Spotify!! They have great playlists on there for us!

  6. Omg I love that video. When it first came out I watched it obsessively too. So cute! I am def going to check out BLovedBoston's post. Thanks for the tip. I am super excited about it!

  7. Spotify rocks, and I also enjoyed seeing everyone's posts this week on the Sephora sale. Have a great weekend :)

  8. OMG I LOVE THE PUG VIDEO!! I called my husband over to watch it!! Poor lil guy!! Soo cute!

    I can't believe Thanksgiving is so close either!!

    Melanie | Toots + Dill

  9. I can't wait to see Finding Dory either! It feels like such a long time ago that Finding Nemo came out, doesn't it? Also, I love Alanis Morissette too, she's a classic xx

    Sam // Samantha Betteridge

  10. I was way too excited about the VIB sale, and Biana had some fabulous picks <3

    Green Fashionista
