
Monday, May 4, 2015

Currently...(Finals Week Edition)

Ugh, I have been the worst blogger the past few weeks and I have finals to blame. However, I am forcing myself to take a break from my critical care nursing studies to catch up on my bloglovin' feed and read some weekend wrap up posts. Did you know those are one of my favorite kinds of posts? I am just so nosy and like to know what everyone else has done over the weekend! I spent most of my weekend studying, but it has paid off so far with a 96 on my pediatric nursing final. WOO! One down, two to go. My hardest is tomorrow, so I am only giving myself a half hour to write this post. Since I have been away from my beloved space here on the internet for a while, I thought I would do a little catch up piece! 

Working on: Aside from exams, I am mentally working on two things...1) What to get my mom for Mother's Day, and 2) What to get John for graduation. Both are on Sunday and I am completely clueless about what to do. 
Thankful for: JMU!

Listening to: My spring playlist. I have been jamming to it every morning on my way to campus and I am sure everyone who drives past me likes my karaoke show. 
Watching: As a study break, I watch old episodes of Game of Thrones...It's better the second time around!
Anticipating: GOING HOME! Its starting to get a little humid here in Virginia so I look a bit like Monica in Barbados...
Eating: Honey-wheat pretzels. What was I thinking buying them? The bag is nearly gone. 
Wearing: Yoga pants and a sweatshirt has become my studying uniform...The library keeps the AC at what feels like 55 degrees so even when its 80 degrees out, I am inside shivering!

One week until I start posting from home! I am beyond ready to get summer started. I hope you all have an amazing week!

Also, a huge thank you to Brittany @ Life Like a Twenty Something  and Lauren @ The Arizona Prepster for nominating me for the Liebster Award!


  1. Good luck making it through finals!!!! I know it's a crazy stressful time, but as soon as you're're DONE!!! :) Sending you lots of positive thoughts for good grades! :)

  2. Good luck with finals! I know you're going to rock it out, lady!

  3. Good luck with finals! :) You got this girl!

