
Thursday, April 9, 2015

I was the kind of kid who...

I was the kind of kid who...

Had an invisible friend (is this normal? I don't know.)
Loved to read.
Played games in the woods for hours and hours.
Told everyone I had two for regular, boring food and the other one for dessert (and my dessert stomach was never too full for dessert obviously.)
Had an interesting music taste (among my CD collection you would find Britney Spears, Backstreet Boys, and Pure Disco Volumes 1, 2 AND 3...okay, and Pure Funk).
Was painfully shy.
Loved dolls...Barbies, Polly Pockets, and American Girl dolls!
Loved watching movies (I think my favorites were The Lion King and The Little Giants.)
Thought ketchup was it's own food group.
Was obsessed with cats. 
Liked to sing...even if I wasn't very good at it. 
Thought Full House and Saved By the Bell were the best shows ever. 
Never changed. I may be taller, a little less naive, and wear more makeup...but I swear these things apply to me now(maybe not playing with dolls and in the woods), as much as they did then.

The Daily Tay
Thanks to Taylor over on The Daily Tay for putting this link up together! It was a great idea and so fun to do!


  1. This description could be me as a kid. I LOVED Polly Pockets (I think my parents still have them at their house actually) and playing in the woods....and of course there was always room for dessert! (love your two stomachs thing haha).
    I think it's fun to look back on what you were like as a kid and see how things have changed, and how some things just havent :)

  2. Awww you were such a cute kid! Turned into a beautiful lady, of course.

    Love this post idea, so cute! I loved to read as a child and played outside for hours too! I think I'm going to have to borrow this post idea!

  3. Hahaha I feel you! I too had an imaginary friend, loved to sing EVERYWHERE, and played with American Girl dolls 247 :)
