
Monday, April 20, 2015

3 Reasons Why This Weekend Was The Best.

1 // Formal
My favorite picture of the night!

Blurry bus pic!

Felt obligated to throw the "official" pic in...but I don't like it because we don't look centered!

 I loved seeing the Washington Monument! We had a gorgeous view of The Capitol building but of course, I didn't snap a pic! 

My sorority (Alpha Sigma Tau) had our spring formal this weekend! It was an "away" formal in Washington D.C. on the Spirit of Washington boat. It was a beautiful night to be outside so we spent most of our time on the deck enjoying the sights! I felt like a disco queen in my black jumpsuit with glittery gold pumps and gold jewelry. I wish I had taken more pictures, but I was swept up in the excitement of the night and only got a few shots. I was happy to have John by my side this weekend had been a few weeks since we had seen each other and I had missed him terribly! Even when our bus from the hotel to the boat dock was lost and we thought we were going to miss the boat, he had me laughing which took my stress away! I am so thankful that he is in my life. Also, I am thankful that my sorority has provided me with so many cool experiences over the past four years and it was so bittersweet to have such a fantastic time for my last formal. 

2 // Lilly for Target
With the excitement of formal this weekend, guess who forgot that the Lilly for Target line came out online in the middle of the night Sunday? Yep, me. So when my mom called yesterday morning to tell me that she had been to Target and had been able to get a few things from the line, I was beyond excited! She's mailing it down to me this week and I cannot wait to try it all on. Mom, if you're reading this...YOU'RE THE BEST, THANK YOU! 

3 // Start of Good Times
This weekend kicked off a series of busy (good busy) weekends! The good company, good weather, and good memories made me so excited for everything that I have coming up. Next weekend, my best friend is coming to visit and we are headed to Foxfield, which is a horse race in Charlottesville! My mom is mailing my wide brimmed hat this week so I'll be all ready to go! In the weekends following the next one, I have fun sorority events, John's graduation and his graduation party. Its crazy that I have two more weeks of regular classes, a week of finals, and then I am home for the summer. BRING IT ON! 

I hope you all have the best week and that your Monday goes by quickly! If you aren't having a good Monday and need a laugh...Here's a candid of me sharing my whiny realization that the worst part of wearing a one piece jumpsuit is having to go the bathroom. I am sure you can imagine why they would be so much trouble!


  1. You look so beautiful in the top pic! Also feeling your pain about going to the loo in a jumpsuit haha! So interesting to hear about sororities. It's such an alien thing to us here in the UK as we don't have anything like that but pretty sure I'd be all for it if we did have them haha :) Have a wonderful week x

    Laura |

  2. Hooray for a fun formal, you look amazing!!!! Glad you had a great time!

    And hooray for an awesome mom, that's fabulous!

  3. You were in my area and I didn't know?!?!?! Wah! I'm glad you had a good time tho! Yay for moms who brave the crazy for treats for their kids--you are a lucky one girl :)
    Hope you have a good Monday!

  4. Such a happy weekend! So excited for your Lilly items to get there.
