
Thursday, November 27, 2014

What I am thankful for this Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving! 
My backyard this morning!

I was tagged last week to list out a few things I am thankful for, by Nancy over at Sincerely and Sarcastically, who's posts never fail to make me laugh hysterically (which can present a problem when I am in public). I have been saving my list for today so I could have a thankful themed Thanksgiving post!

1. My loved ones
I am saying loved ones because I wanted to group my family, friends, and John into one as they are all so special to me and I am most thankful to have all of them in my life. They love me unconditionally, even when I am micromanaging control freak or when I can't stop (won't stop) sings Frozen songs. 

2. Opportunities 
I am thankful that I have been given so many opportunities in my life. Although I gripe about it, I really know that college is something that some people out there can only dream about. I love learning and expanding my horizons, and moving away from home to college allowed me to do that!

3. Knowledge
This might not make sense once its out of my head and onto this post, and I am not trying to say I am thankful for being smart, but I am trying to say that I am thankful for knowing myself. I know this is coming out wrong but this relates to majoring in nursing. Many nurses that I have talked to, either at clinical or my instructors or even nurses in my yearly check-ups, have said that nursing was their second career, and they only discovered that they wanted to do it after training for a completely different job/career/major. On the flip side, I have known that nursing was for me since my junior year in high school, and fall more in love with it in every clinical rotation that I go through. I am thankful for this knowledge that I have made the right choice. 

4.  Coffee

I had to have one silly thing that I am thankful for and I picked coffee because without fail it is the one thing that is a constant in my morning. Whether its 6am and I am up before the sun to study for class on a Tuesday or its 10am and I am just getting out of bed on a lazy Saturday, making (or buying!) coffee is the first task of the day! I love how it makes me ready to tackle whatever lies ahead in my day and I am thankful for whoever discovered that running hot water over finely crushed up coffee beans tastes pretty dang good. 

5. YOU
I am thankful that you all as fellow bloggers have invited us into your life and let us laugh (and occasionally cry) with you. Also, its makes it a whole lot more encouraging to work on a post when I have gotten so much good feedback from you all, so I am thankful for that! I have learned so much from all of you and I can't wait to continue to learn more! 

I hope you all have a fantastic day that is filled with loved ones, food and pants with stretchy waistlines. 

1 comment:

  1. Happy thanksgiving, sweet friend! I'm glad we met via the #blogtober linkup!
