
Friday, October 3, 2014

The One.

Looking ahead through all of the prompts for #Blogtober14, this is probably going to be the hardest one for me. I am probably one of the most indecisive people I know (I might be the most indecisive but that would be a decision in of itself). How am I supposed to decide on the one thing I can't live without, if I have trouble picking out what I am going to have for breakfast?! There are really so many directions I can go with this prompt...

I can be sappy and tell you that I definitely wouldn't have made to it my senior year at a college approximately 665 miles from home with a major that kicks my ass nearly every day if I didn't have the love and support of my family and friends. If I had a dollar for every time I called my mom crying about how hard being on the executive board of my sorority was or how I swear professors try to trick us on tests, then I probably would have enough money to buy the best blog layout I could find on Etsy. As you can see from my layout however, I have not figured out a way to make money from my tears (yet). But saying that the one thing I couldn't live without would be my friends and family would be kind of predictable and also cheating because its more than one thing.
 I could tell you that the one thing I couldn't live without would be water, but thats taking things a little too literally... So I am going to suck up the ridicule and the eye-rolls, and succumb to being a product of my generation in order to tell you that the one thing I couldn't live without would be my precious iPhone. I know I know, I shouldn't let technology control my life and you don't need to tell me that the phone waves are melting brain but I can't help it. My phone puts my loved ones at my fingertips, helps me know the weather/news/where all my friends are having brunch, and allows me to jot down all my notes for this blog when I have sudden inspiration during class. Please tell me that one of you feels the same and that the phone is the greatest invention to happen to mankind (except for the wheel...maybe). 
Rebel without a case

What is the one thing you can't live without?

P.S. I got the background on my phone from and the fall theme of it goes perfectly with #Blogtober14...don't you think?!
Helene in Between Blogtober


  1. I was also going to put 'my phone', but in reality it is doable, considering I have the tablet and laptop available!

    1. A very good point considering I am sitting here replying to these comments on my laptop, watching Netflix on my iPad and texting on my phone!!

  2. Love honest.... what would life be without our i phones?!

    1. We would be so out of touch with our friends and completely lost without the Maps app!

  3. Hey, at least you're honest about it. I think a lot of people probably feel this way, they just won't allow themselves to admit it because it's "taboo". Go on with your honest self! :)

    1. Thank you for the encouragement! I'd much rather be honest and not try to hide the fact that I'm a phone addict!

  4. That background is so cute!!!!!

    1.! There were a few backgrounds to pick from, but I fell in love with this one!

  5. The iphone is seriously addictive. I swear there is some sort of cocaine in it!

    1. Seriously there is something that gets absorbed through our fingertips because they just never leave the screen!

  6. Ahhh I probably could not live without my phone either. I may or may not have drove back home after driving to work 20 minutes away because I forgot my phone and could not even think of spending a day without it. I may or may not have done this more then once.

    1. Oh spending the day without a phone is scary...what if you miss an important phone call?! I don't blame you for driving back, I would have done the same thing!

  7. A phone is a great one. i love my phone. also, after seeing the larry david gif the thought that went through my head was "did we just become best friends" because LOVE HIM.

    1. This is kind of embarrassing but I swear I can be the female version of him! I wish someone filmed me throughout the day so I could show you how many times I have that same reaction as he is having in that gif!

  8. Aww, I love my friends too. I'm not too far behind ya, I picked my mom. I don't know what i'd do without that woman. Happy Friday!

  9. I just laughed all the way through your post because it is literally showing how your mind processed the decision. Lol, such a female process of analyzing things! I do it all the time.

    It took me forever to choose my one thing as well. But it was the one thing that has contributed more to my happiness than anything else, so I thought it deserved the title.

    Happy Friday!!


    1. To write this post, I let myself type out some word vomit so it is exactly my thought process of picking my one thing! Heading over to read your post now, you got me curious about what your one thing is!

  10. Love the phone background, perfect!
