
Friday, October 10, 2014

I never thought blogging would...

Take up so much of my time
Teach me about HTML
Make me become a skilled GIF hunter
Cause me to see things differently (in a "how can I blog about this" way)
Have me be one of those people who laughs at their computer in public places
Introduce me to so many cool and amazing people
Wish I had the skills to design my room better
Actually inspire me to take better pictures
Want to improve my writing skills on a daily basis
Allow me to see what everyone else does on the weekends
Make me feel sad for not starting a blog sooner (like five years ago)
Become my reason for sanity lately

What surprised you about blogging?

P.S. My family is coming into town today for Parents Weekend so I think I am going to take the weekend off from posting since a huge test this week got in the way of me writing the posts early and just scheduling them. I am really bummed I didn't have enough time because I was going to be really proud of myself for blogging every day of October...but hey its okay, right?!
Helene in Between Blogtober


  1. I love all of these,especially the GIF hunter haha. Have a great weekend with your parents!

    1. Thank you, I had a great weekend! I think sometimes I spend more time searching for the perfect gif rather than writing!

  2. "Have me be one of those people who laughs at their computer in public places" I seem to do that quite a lot too recently which can be quite embarrassing! Have a good weekend :)

    1. Haha I usually get embarrassed when I get called out on it! Thank you!

  3. Yes to all of those, but instead of laughing at my computer in public places. It's either "laughing at my computer at work." or "laughing at my computer at home while my husband tries to figure out if I've had too much wine."

    1. People who don't blog just don't understand!! Love it!

  4. I love these reasons! However my favorite one has to be where you wrote about laughing in public.

  5. haha yes all the gifs!! and who knew I would need to learn html?!

  6. Ok I STILL haven't figured out how to use a GIF. You're way ahead of me!!!

    1. I actually figured out how to make one using one of my own videos I had filmed of my of my proudest blog moments!!

  7. Haha! I can agree with so many of your points up there. Like, why did I not start sooner??? xx

    1. I always loved reading them, but it took a while for me to actually decide to have my own!

  8. Amen to all of this!! Blogging really has taught me so much that I never would have been interested in before (sometimes I feel like I can speak another language with how much I'm learning about HTML, ha ha!) I totally see things differently now, like through the eyes of my blog ;) ha ha! It drives my hubs CRAZY that I want to blog about everything!
    The best part about blogging BY FAR are the amazing connections and friendships we make! Two of my real life BFFs came into my life because of blogging and I'm forever grateful!! One of them is coming to spend the day with us today, and we are meeting the other one in Vegas this weekend, CAN'T WAIT!

    1. I am constantly thinking about how I can blog about what I am doing! That's amazing that you are meeting up with friends that you met over blogging... I hope you had a blast!!

  9. Enjoy your weekend off!!!! Gif hunting is the best!

    1. Thank you!! I spend such a long time doing it because I am usually laughing at all the ones that pop up during my search!!
