
Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Dear 31 year old Meghan,

I hope you have great hair, and you are living someplace that doesn't have humidity so you never have to worry about it being poofy. I wish a lot of things for you, and I hope you don't mind that I started with the most superficial of my wishes (I know you pretty well, and I don't think you'll mind). I wonder if by now you will have gone back to school to get your master's in nursing and become a family nurse practitioner. You always planned on doing that! As far as nursing goes, I am really curious to know if you were able to find a job right after graduation (please let me know so I can stop worrying about it). I bet you were a kick-ass nurse and are an even better NP.
I bet you and John had a medium sized wedding at home in Maine. Maybe on the water? You must have spent the entire time dancing with John because thats one of your favorite things to do together. I wonder if you wore a dress that I pinned on Pinterest or if the style changed so you had something different. I'm sure you had someone do you hair, but refused to let someone else touch your makeup because you are too much of a control freak and know exactly how you want it done (I know you spent weeks practicing the wedding makeup look). I wonder if you bawled during the ceremony or if you were able to pull it together and not act like the cry baby that you are.
What if you have a kid right now? What if you have two or three? I know you love being a mother because you love children in general, so having your own will just put you over the moon. I bet before the first kid was born, you typed out a near manuscript comparing the research of parenting theories and analyzing which methods are best to use. Before the second kid was born, I am sure you threw that book out the window and just went with your gut. I hope you live five minutes away from your parents so their grandkids can see them all the time (but really so you can see them all the time).
Over everything I hope and dream for you, I ultimately just hope that you are happy and satisfied with our life and were able to cope with all the curveballs that life inevitably throws at us.

Love you the most,
21 year old Meghan

What would you say in a letter to yourself in 10 years?

P.S. Forgive me for not including any pictures in this post...I just think it fits the letter format better without them!

Helene in Between Blogtober


  1. love love love this! My sister is about to graduate in a medical field this year too. I totally hear you on the whole worrying about getting a job right after you're done thing - don't worry it will work out! & I'm sure your future wedding will be pinterest-worthy ;)

    1. Thank you!! Its scary because everyone says that anything in the medical field is in such high demand, but its just hard to get your foot in the door in hospitals!

  2. What an honest and fun letter. I agree, just being happy and satisfied with your life is what you need to be.

    But first, I have to resuscitate myself, because your letter is to you when you are my age! Oh my goodness, do I feel old!

    1. Thank you! Its so important to be happy! Im so sorry too..didn't mean to make you feel old!!

  3. Oy I wish I lived somewhere with no humidity, although that poofy is really the only way my hair gets any volume... lol ;) I hope all your dreams come true and you meet all of your goals. haha I am pretty sure I have that manuscript on parenting and pregnancy and I have zero children right now, and not pregnant ;)

    1. Thank you so much!! I definitely hear you on the volume and humidity!! I'm glad to know that you have the manuscript too!

  4. Aw this is so sweet! And girl, you already HAVE gorgeous hair! ;)
